Clothing Traders!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Clothing Traders!

This topic contains 85 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by  LambTyler 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #91318

    <p>hey everybody looking for certain clothing but can’t seem to find it? well look no farther this forum is dedicated to helping you find great trades! So Get on in and start trading!

    1. #687673


      candycane4 wrote on 2012-12-08 at 02:40 PM

      midnightmoon13 wrote on 2012-12-08 at 02:26 PM
      Does anyone have licorice dress, emo, merry melodies hat, wz jeans or sail dress? i don’t have to great of clothing items but here is my list
      Purple high cut sneakers (rockerz estore puppy?)
      3d glasses
      sleeping sensation hat
      elephant costume hat
      big black boots
      pink baby romper
      green kinz kringle hat and pants
      scare crow costume
      and tons more! i also have furniture and psi plmk if u want to trade

      sorry i don’t i hope i can get something you want, because i really need wings.
      ~Let Blessings Be~

      I got MY account working! Candycane4 let me use her account while mine was goofed. sorry if there was any inconvenience.

      The REAL CC44

      ~Let Blessings Be~

      P.S. it just occured to me, you guys may not know what Blessings is in the “Let blessings be” thing means. i think it stands for babies. bad things are happening to thousands, millions of them.

    2. #687671


      midnightmoon13 wrote on 2012-12-08 at 02:26 PM

      Does anyone have licorice dress, emo, merry melodies hat, wz jeans or sail dress? i don’t have to great of clothing items but here is my list
      Purple high cut sneakers (rockerz estore puppy?)
      3d glasses
      sleeping sensation hat
      elephant costume hat
      big black boots
      pink baby romper
      green kinz kringle hat and pants
      scare crow costume
      and tons more! i also have furniture and psi plmk if u want to trade

      sorry i don’t i hope i can get something you want, because i really need wings.


      ~Let Blessings Be~

    3. #687662

      Does anyone have licorice dress, emo, merry melodies hat, wz jeans or sail dress? i don’t have to great of clothing items but here is my list

      Purple high cut sneakers (rockerz estore puppy?)
      3d glasses
      sleeping sensation hat
      elephant costume hat
      big black boots
      pink baby romper
      green kinz kringle hat and pants
      scare crow costume
      and tons more! i also have furniture and psi plmk if u want to trade

    4. #687659


      Anyone here? i thought there would be more posts by now.

    5. #683928


      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-11-05 at 09:00 PM

      candycane44 wrote on 2012-11-05 at 12:25 PM
      hi! here are some clothes i really need
      amanda panda dress
      charmed dress
      blueheartz retro dress
      chocolate party dress
      dearly devoted dress
      fairy tale evil queen dress
      hit the club tiger print dress
      pink butterfly dress
      pop star dress
      pretty prom dress
      pretty purple summer dress
      princess dress
      webkinz beauty dress
      whimsical dragon dress
      bunny hoodie top
      camo tank top
      cherry tank top
      chocolate tuxedo top
      girly black tank top
      gathered top
      swimsuit top
      webkinz cares top hat
      orange army shirt
      wild watermelon shirt
      pop rock princess shirt
      disco fever bell bottoms
      any card collector clothing item

      Hi there :)
      I have the blueheartz retro dress, pink and green popstar dress, and a pop rock princess shirt (I have the skirt and hat too if you need the). PLMK what you have to trade and thanks :) I think I have some xtras on card collector clothing too if you LMK what you need :)
      PS: Good luck on the whimsical dragon dress I have been searching for that one for quite some time lol :P

      sorry i can’t stay up to date. i’m looking for the pop rock shirt and stuff more than anything! thx!

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