Cloud Wings?

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Cloud Wings?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  buttercup207 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #792651


    Cloud wings were a previous Click-To-Win prize. Anyone have them for trade?? Please add me I’m MatyRules. Let me know what youre looking for I have a lot of kinzstyle, I have twister plant somewhere in my house I think, retired themes and fairy ballgown and venetian mask, etc and Caterpillar PSI (the dress and antenna). I have more but I cant remember…

    1. #792971


      Ohhh those sound cool!! Anybody gotta an extra?? I can send you a piece of valued clothing (From thanksgiving or Fred Rover) Friend me – buttercup207

    2. #792961


      I have the cloud wings and will trade for caterpillar psi just invite me to trade k I have over 150 pets so I have a lot of tradable items……. I am a deluxe member to so I have a lot of double stuff and all the items from the wish factory up for trade… Thanks

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