~Collecting Gemsters~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~Collecting Gemsters~

This topic contains 19 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  abislu1 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #737644


    Hey everyone I am trying to collect all the gem cars, I already have the Zircon,Emerald and Rose Zircon gemsters. So I need all the other ones. I dont have estore psi but I do have promo and reg psi. Just ask what you want:D PLMK:D

    1. #737955


      Hey abislu are you intrested in my Tyrannical T Rex slide? its promo…. If you want to trade I will send the slide at 8:30pm tonight:D Right now I am going to go on a shopping spree:D

    2. #737987

      Hey Narnian! I know your collecting them but can i trade my Aquamarine gemster for your Rose zicron gemster? I can add something if you’d like. PLMK Otherwise we could work something else out for my gemster. PLMK

      • #738214


        I dont want to trade jemster for jemsters srry:( But what do you want for it?? I think I have posted on ~I Need……~ That tommarrow I will be getting an Elven Oracle Organ thats promo would you trade your jemster for that? if not would you trade the gemtser for psi? PLMKASAP:D

    3. #737830


      Im sorry but Im only looking for promo and other gem cars.I know u are trying to save gem cars but I am intrested in ur emrald and rose zicrom gem cars.Plz tell me if they are for trade.

      • #737915


        Oh they arnt for trade:( I just traded my Water dog falls for a Blue Lava Lamp would you trade your jem car for that?

    4. #737765

      Hey Narnian. Thanks for the invite to your house. Just as I was starting to look aroun **POOF** power outage. Hope to be invited back soon so I can finish my tour. I liked your trophy room.

    5. #737737


      I have the peridot gemster. It may be on hold,I have to check but if not I am intrested in promo.Thx!!!!!

      • #737760


        Hey abislu1:D I have Tyrannical TRex slide promo, and a couple popular psi which are the Heart warming bathtub psi(you came over to my house and saw it remeber?) Water Dog Falls psi,Bakers Oven retired psi and a couple more, so PLMKASAP! I hope we can trade:D

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