~Collecting Gemsters~

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This topic contains 19 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  abislu1 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #737644


    Hey everyone I am trying to collect all the gem cars, I already have the Zircon,Emerald and Rose Zircon gemsters. So I need all the other ones. I dont have estore psi but I do have promo and reg psi. Just ask what you want:D PLMK:D

    1. #740046


      Oh its unfair!? Ok um I’ll look up the values ok? I didnt no it was unfair! Soooooo sorry!!!

      • #740821


        Smiles thats alright if you want to trade for the organ just send the peridot gemster to me and i will send the organ right away:D And Dog Fish can you add me im Narnian100 i tried adding you several times and never got an answer… As soon as you add me i will send blue ava… Thanks everyone!

        • #752748


          Narnian100, we are already friends. You have been on my list for a long time. I even put abislu back on my list. Just so you know, I have complete lava lamp sets and was just trying to help out. I’m not sure what you are talking about, as far as the friends list, but I don’t think I want to trade an longer. Sorry, DF

          • #753920


            Thats allright DF i actually bought the diamond doggy just yesterday!! so i dont need that gemster anymore and thank you so much for offering to help me:D And Abislu have you decided if you want the organ for your peridot gemster? PLMK:D

    2. #739599


      I think it’s already way unfair to me sorry….. I will hold onto the organ for you:D Hope this trade works out:D

    3. #739535


      I might but as for now its on hold. Plz save ur organ so if my other trade doesnt work out we can trade. PS Idk if this is unfair or not but can u add ur blue lava? I understand if u say no.

      • #739560


        Hi narnian, I have a lot of extra diamond gemsters, If you want, just send me the blue lava and I’ll send you one, no need to add onto the trade. That’s what friends are for, right? DF PS you should keep the organ, it’s really cool with the matching walls and floor.

        • #739840


          Oh thank you DF!!!!!! What is your un? I dont think we are friends yet on webkinz could you plz add me? I am of course Narnian100… I actually have 2 Organs cuz I traded for one on webkinz….

          • #740036


            Hey, I thought I was forgetful, LOL my UN is clo 91 and and a few others. You are on most of my accounts, at least last time I looked. Just send whatever you think is fair, the lamp or the organ either will work for me. I need to move the car, it’s in storage, so I’ll send it soon. TTYL DF

    4. #738793


      Oh I now have an Enchanted Elven Pipe Organ which is promo.Would you trade for that? If not thanks for trying to help me out:D

    5. #738421


      Im not intrested sorry. And um blue lava is the least valueble lava lamp.Sorry.

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