Cool Crafts By:tyedyeducktape2

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Cool Crafts By:tyedyeducktape2

This topic contains 27 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  watermelonpup100 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #612348

    Hi!! If you want, I can help you! I have my own craft forum, but it hasen’t been getting busy or anything……….. so I can helP!!!!

    *** web luv ***

    1. #612389

      This is how to make a Hula-skirt for your webkinz plush! Here is how you make it! 1. Cut a piece of paper ( white or colored) To fit around your webkinz’s waist. 2. Tape or glue it in place . 3. If glued, let dry. Take some scissors and cut the paper into seperate strips about half way up the paper. 4. Enjoy your webkinz’s new Hula-skirt!!!!

    2. #612386

      rosylover wrote on 2012-06-05 at 12:46 PM

      tyedyeducktape2 wrote on 2012-06-05 at 11:10 AM
      Hiya!!! This is the place for all sorts of crafts!!!!! I will try to post some after this posts and feel free to add any ideas you have!!!!!! I will be taking orders and I might need some helpers soon too!!!!! Your friend, tyedyeducktape2

      hiya, tyedeye! i will be here very often!

      Thanks!!! I hope I don’t mess it up!!!!!

      BTW TO ALL: Don’t forget I take orders!!!!!!

    3. #612384


      tyedyeducktape2 wrote on 2012-06-05 at 11:10 AM

      Hiya!!! This is the place for all sorts of crafts!!!!! I will try to post some after this posts and feel free to add any ideas you have!!!!!! I will be taking orders and I might need some helpers soon too!!!!! Your friend, tyedyeducktape2

      hiya, tyedeye! i will be here very often!

    4. #612381

      Webkinzlover346 wrote on 2012-06-05 at 12:35 PM

      I love your craft! So creative! I need to eat lunch, so I will post one after I eat!
      *** web luv **


    5. #612378

      I love your craft! So creative! I need to eat lunch, so I will post one after I eat!

      *** web luv **

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