Cool Crafts By:tyedyeducktape2

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Cool Crafts By:tyedyeducktape2

This topic contains 27 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  watermelonpup100 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #612348

    Hi!! If you want, I can help you! I have my own craft forum, but it hasen’t been getting busy or anything……….. so I can helP!!!!

    *** web luv ***

    1. #612766

      I’m trying to think of a good craft………..

    2. #612716

      Anyone??? ;)

    3. #612469

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-05 at 03:30 PM

      Congrats on your forum tyedye!!! Its going to be a huge success because your a really awesome crafter!!!! Ill be here lots!

      Thanks KK!! Ur a awesome crafter too!!!! Feel free to post crafts if u wanna!!!!

    4. #612438

      Congrqts on your forum tyedye!!! Its going to be a huge sucess because your a really awsome crafter!!!! Ill be here lots!


    5. #612395

      Thanks webkinzlover!!!! Here is another craft


      styrofoam balls one big one small
      small glass dish from dollar TREE
      markers, paint, or glitter
      extra decorations (optional)
      tooth pick
      maybe glue

      Directions for Webkinz Ice Cream:

      Take the balls and stack them on each other. big on bottom small on top, Then stick the tooth pick in them to hold them together. Color the small ball red for a cherry. Color the big ball desired ice cream flavor(color). Put balls in small dish. Add any extra decor!!!!! DONE!!!!!

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