Crafts we can make for our bedrooms that are webkinz themed!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Crafts we can make for our bedrooms that are webkinz themed!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  erinsoccerstar 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #793935

    Does anybody have any cool webkinz crafts to use to like put in your bedroom? Please post one if you have a cool webkinz craft:) thanks!

    1. #796533

      Tham you designer girl! I will definitely try them out :)

    2. #794068

      A great place to find crafts like this is right on our very own webkinz newz! Under FUN there is a section called crafty critterz, you can find tons of crafts there! Hope this helps!

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