Crown of wonder

Home Forums Games – Archives Crown of wonder

This topic contains 2 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Stealthstorm 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #760421

    I have had all the gems for over a year and I just need the “W” gem does anyone have a suggestion of where it is or tell me what I am doing wrong..

    1. #764359


      It is in the BURIED BONES MINE!!! On a forum a long time ago I saw it…I hadn’t been able to find it! I went there for the next 5 days and got one there every time! As Jane above ^^^ said, you can only find it in that mine! ~The Horse Fanatic

    2. #762944


      Also, the “W” gem is the largest. Sometimes you can see it sticking out just a tiny bit from behind a rock before you tap it. Look closely and good luck!

    3. #761396

      You will need to search in buried bones mine. That gem can only be found there. It may take a week or so to find it, but then you should have what you need. Hope this helps!

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