Cuddlyfur1′s trading list! Come take a look!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Cuddlyfur1′s trading list! Come take a look!

This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  2mytinytots 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #795018


    Hello I have a few items for trade that some might like. I collect plushies so my wishlist is basically rare plushies. Trading list (sorry i can’t center it): superhero outfit, superhero shoes, venetian mask, glass slippers, 50 kinzcash coins, rabbit tv, blue jeweled egg (only for good trades), handmade zingoz clock, golf cart, painted roses (only for good trades), pile of persian pillows (only for good trades), bubble wrap couch (not chair , couch; and only for good trades), diamond piano (good trades only), ruby gemlamp, high note lamp. Items I want: black bear club plushy, plush besties(black and white bff plush), polar bear cub plushy, rafi plush toy, webkinz foundation plush bear (its rainbow, this is my most wanted plush), rockerz lion plush toy, white tiger plush toy, zingoz plush (yellow, i missed this celebration), makeup kit, rainbow swimsuit and any estore items just tell me which ones first. Thanks and i hope you get something you like! ~Cuddlyfur1

    1. #795290

      Oh yeah, and if none of the offers I posted above work out, could I offer the makeup kit for the ruby gem lamp? If not, that’s cool too. Thanks! ~helloprettypanda~

      • #797121


        I will accept that trade hello pretty panda. I will friend you as soon as possible as i am on vacation right now. ADDING TO LIST: i will trade the starburst cloud superbed for another superbed, and i have lots of PJ’s rare clothes ask me if i have them( yes, i have a spare fairy princess ballgown), gift box shoes, fabolous fashion panel 2( dunno if anyone wants this…), and sheldon’s surfboard. thanks for viewing my thread! normally no one goes to my trade threads so i am super excited.

        • #797691

          Okay, that sounds good. I’ll send out an FR if I adopt a pet tomorrow. Thanks! ~helloprettypanda~

      • #800051

        Sorry cuddlyfur! I tried sending the make up kit, but apparently its not kinzpostable or tradeable. Would a raziel plushy and a nafaria plushy be of any interest to you for the gem lamp? Sorry, I’m not a collector. But I’ll look around to see if my sister has any plushies to spare. ~helloprettypanda~

    2. #795289

      Hi Cuddlyfur! I have the makeup kit, if you are still interested. I’m interested in your diamond piano, and I would be able to add to the make up kit. So, for the diamond piano, my offers would be: 1. Golden Glide Waterslide (retired sig psi) +Makeup Kit 2. Tyrannical Rex Slide (promo item) +Makeup Kit 3. Enchanted Elven Pipe Organ (promo item) +Makeup Kit. I also have a bunch of other offers, but first let me know if any of these are okay. It’s fine if you don’t like my offers: you can tell me, and I won’t mind. Thanks, and good luck! ~helloprettypanda~

    3. #795244


      Sent you a friends request in WW, it was declined.

      • #797124


        sorry, i forgot to check my thread and i can’t accept requests from anyone i don’t know. send again and i will accept!

    4. #795124


      Hi Cuddly I have the Black bear cub, Besties, Polar bear, white tiger and yellow Zingoz and make up kit. Would you be willing to trade all of those for the bubble couch? My user is mytinytots just send me a friend request and I will start sending my things over. Thanks.

      • #797113


        mytinytots i will accept that trade. i will friend you and get my bubble couch to you! thanks.

        • #797771


          i am so sorry but i cant seem to send or trade my couch. do you want any of my other rares or would you like your items back instead? i will do it either way. so sorry for the trouble. :(

          • #801120


            Hi No problem, I hate when they do that. I think everything should be kp or tradeable. I also like your diamond piano, would you take all the plushes and maybe the new piano in the wish machine? Just let me know. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. If you don’t want to do that, just keep the plushes you already have and enjoy. MTT

    5. #795101


      What plushies do you want? A couple I can trade are the polar bear cub plush and the wacky zingoz plush.

      • #797130


        all the plush are listed above, sorry it is in a blob! if you have 3 or 4 of the ones i want, i will trade one of my rare items for it! the one i most want to give away is the blue jeweled egg and the plush i most want is the webkinz foundation rainbow plush, so add two more and we got a deal!

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