Diamond Design! Fashion To Help Your Pet Sparkle!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Diamond Design! Fashion To Help Your Pet Sparkle!

This topic contains 459 replies, has 67 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #616283


    OMG IT POSTED!!!!!!!!!! Now I have Garnet Remodeling and Diamond Design! LOL

    1. #628980


      iloveocean wrote on 2012-07-02 at 12:53 AM

      I need a fancy outfit for parties. My pets name is Minna and she’s a signature pomeranian.
      she’s really girly but loves sports too. She loves colors and will try almost anything when it comes to fashion!
      If you could, I really need this outfit ASAP!!!

      ok here is your outfit enjoy =)

      pink sparkly bow
      white hollywood sunglasses
      yellow tank top
      starfly pants
      ruffled sequin sandals

      enjoy PLMK if you like the outfit or i will redo it

    2. #628979


      mimi01 wrote on 2012-07-01 at 04:45 AM

      Hi! I need a deluxe fancy fashion.
      1.I have a meeting with my friend
      2.For my Pom Pom Kitty, movalinda
      3.Very active. It want to goes in the park to put the garbages on the recicle bin
      4.11885, but I will have more. Now I\’m in the AP and I have more missions THANKS!!!

      Ok try:
      Red bow $15
      Maroon Hoodie $40
      White Jeans $75
      B&W Sneakers $45
      Total: $175 I hope you like and if not I’ll redo!

    3. #628975


      mimi01 wrote on 2012-07-01 at 04:45 AM

      Hi! I need a deluxe fancy fashion.
      1.I have a meeting with my friend
      2.For my Pom Pom Kitty, movalinda
      3.Very active. It want to goes in the park to put the garbages on the recicle bin
      4.11885, but I will have more. Now I\’m in the AP and I have more missions THANKS!!!

      ok here is your outfit i hope you enjoy it =)

      plaid buckle cap
      white hollywood sunglasses
      cardi with pink top
      silver braided belt
      purple leggings
      slouch boots

      i hope you enjoy it PLMK if you don’t i will redo the outfit

    4. #628968


      hi!!! i need a fancy elegant kinda thing. my budget is not over 10,000

    5. #628967


      Valcam wrote on 2012-06-30 at 10:07 PM

      thanks 4 the outfit! and BTW 444polarbears, what’s your username on webkiz. ‘d like 2 friend u. and luvy and batluver. thanx! and i need an outfit for a signature clouded leopard, and i’d like it to b safari themed. don’t worry, money is no object.

      ok this is just a question but is the signature clouded outfit a girl or boy? either won i will come up with won for both

      also i don’t exaclty no HOW to make a safari themed outfit with the choices in the kinzstyle outlet but i will try

      girl outfit
      cute cropped jacket
      cargo pants or pink ruffled skirt
      pink bow
      flip flops

      boy outfit
      camo trucker cap or dude hat
      army shirt
      camo cargo pants
      flip flops [optional]

      i hope you like it but if you don’t that’s fine i will understand and i will redo it

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