Diamond Design! Fashion To Help Your Pet Sparkle!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Diamond Design! Fashion To Help Your Pet Sparkle!

This topic contains 459 replies, has 67 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #616283


    OMG IT POSTED!!!!!!!!!! Now I have Garnet Remodeling and Diamond Design! LOL

    1. #630135


      Hi i wanted two outfits for two of my pets!! And another one if you have time.
      Okay, so here it is
      My Minty Cow, fun and cute
      And My Garnet Rover, kind of fancy and chic
      and if you have time,
      Moon fox

    2. #630093

      Oh, no no i liked the outfits, just the black poodle mishap thing. I’m gonna try the other outfit on my white poodle that you orginally gave for my black poodle. So, there’s just a few more things….I know this is a few months early but i have 2 candy corn witch costumes, a ladybug costume, a vampire costume, a zombie costume, a scarecrow costume, a cinderella costume, a pink princess costume & a ballet costume but idk which will look good on who for halloween. I would also like some costumes for some other webkinz though but i have 32 total 33 once i get the white poodle.

      Thanks, and the halloween costume request can wait.

    3. #629546


      BallerinaKiki wrote on 2012-07-11 at 01:16 PM

      I just need that theme outfit for each. No, the budget is for how much the outfit will cost depending on if its a girl or a boy. I have decided it will be a girl so i only need teh girl outfits now, budget 1000, since i’ll need kc to do her room when she is ready. Thanks!

      Ok I am sorry for the black poodle mishap but are you saying that I have to redo all the outfits with the theme you gave me? It’s fine if that’s the case I tried to make some of then really attached to the theme you gave me but I thought you meant ALL the outfits had to add up to 1000$ whoch is kinda cheap for 5 outfits until you said 1000$ for each outfit (I think correct me if I’m wrong) so I will redo them want me to redo all of them or some? ( in case you liked some) of the outfits but I already have the black poodle outfit ready here it is :

      Dude hat
      Blue plaid shirt
      Black shades
      Black jeans or regular jeans

      I promise I will do he rest of the outfits tomorrow when I have my computer in front of me cause I am on an iPad right now again very sorry you didn’t like somebody the outfits

    4. #629538

      Its ok, but i forgot to mention that my black poodle is a boy. I cant picture Blacky in that outfit. He wouldn’t try on anything girly. I’ll use that outfit for my white poodle when i get her though!

    5. #629315

      I just need that theme outfit for each. No, the budget is for how much the outfit will cost depending on if its a girl or a boy. I have decided it will be a girl so i only need teh girl outfits now, budget 1000, since i’ll need kc to do her room when she is ready. Thanks!

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