Diamond Design! Fashion To Help Your Pet Sparkle!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Diamond Design! Fashion To Help Your Pet Sparkle!

This topic contains 459 replies, has 67 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #616283


    OMG IT POSTED!!!!!!!!!! Now I have Garnet Remodeling and Diamond Design! LOL

    1. #633588


      laughable921 wrote on 2012-07-14 at 05:38 PM

      honeycat20 wrote on 2012-07-14 at 05:27 PM

      laughable921 wrote on 2012-07-13 at 01:23 PM
      Hi i wanted two outfits for two of my pets!! And another one if you have time.
      Okay, so here it is
      My Minty Cow, fun and cute
      And My Garnet Rover, kind of fancy and chic
      and if you have time,
      Moon fox

      ok so here it is :
      moon fox :
      denim romp wear
      fluresent flip flops
      pink sparkly bow
      white holly wood sunglasses
      garnet rover :
      pink sparkly bow
      white hollywood sunglasses
      high heel sandals
      pink pony sparkly dress (go to webkinznewz.com click on “fun” scroll down and in the bottom left corner there is a album cover of the webkinz original song “preatiest pink pony in town” watch the video and answer the questions and that is how you get the dress also it is perfectly free)
      hope you like the outfits be sure to tell your friends and i will redo any outfits you want =)

      Love the Outfits, thanks for your help, could you also do a utfit fr my amethyst hound?

      sorry for the wait here it is :

      white hollywood sunglasses
      purple beanie or pink sparkly bow
      yellow tank top
      purple kilt

      plmk if you want a new outfit

      laughter loyalty & friendship

    2. #633586


      rat50 wrote on 2012-07-18 at 11:50 AM

      iluv2lol wrote on 2012-06-13 at 12:31 PM
      Welcome to Diamond Design! We do all kinds of outfits here: Casual, Swimwear, Pajamas, Fancy, You Name It! To get a perfect outfit for your pet just answer these questions: 1. What\’s the occasion? 2. What kind of pet is this for? 3. What is your pet\’s personality? 4. What is your budget? I promise you will be 100% satisfied with your outfits, and if not you will get a redo as many times as you want!

      ok i want swim/casual wear for a collie.. something half swim / half comfort clothes … her personality is laughter and generosity and the budget is around 300…
      -add me-

      ok sorry for the wait here it is :

      pink sparkly bow
      pink striped swimsuit top
      pink ruffld skirt

      plmk if you want a new outfit =)

      laughter loyalty & friendship

    3. #633577


      NOVAkate wrote on 2012-07-18 at 03:26 AM

      iluv2lol wrote on 2012-06-13 at 12:31 PM
      Welcome to Diamond Design! We do all kinds of outfits here: Casual, Swimwear, Pajamas, Fancy, You Name It! To get a perfect outfit for your pet just answer these questions: 1. What\’s the occasion? 2. What kind of pet is this for? 3. What is your pet\’s personality? 4. What is your budget? I promise you will be 100% satisfied with your outfits, and if not you will get a redo as many times as you want!

      Hi!!! My brother has a red panda and like NOTHING looks good on her (at least whatever I can come up with) I have already tried having her wear a bright spies trench coat and pink studded shades, it looks ok but still not great. Please help ASAP!
      Oh I forgot occasion:none
      Pet: red panda
      Personality: chic and her favorite color is red and pink.
      Budget: pretty much none but preferably under 1500.
      Thanks again!

      sorry i haven’t had time to check this here it is :

      pink sparkly bow
      white hollywood sunglasses
      thick knit sweater or fall striped style hoodie
      pink ruffled skirt

      hope you like it and sorry about the wait

    4. #633522


      NOVAkate wrote on 2012-07-18 at 03:26 AM

      iluv2lol wrote on 2012-06-13 at 12:31 PM
      Welcome to Diamond Design! We do all kinds of outfits here: Casual, Swimwear, Pajamas, Fancy, You Name It! To get a perfect outfit for your pet just answer these questions: 1. What\’s the occasion? 2. What kind of pet is this for? 3. What is your pet\’s personality? 4. What is your budget? I promise you will be 100% satisfied with your outfits, and if not you will get a redo as many times as you want!

      Hi!!! My brother has a red panda and like NOTHING looks good on her (at least whatever I can come up with) I have already tried having her wear a bright spies trench coat and pink studded shades, it looks ok but still not great. Please help ASAP!
      Oh I forgot occasion:none
      Pet: red panda
      Personality: chic and her favorite color is red and pink.
      Budget: pretty much none but preferably under 1500.
      Thanks again!

      let me try because shes not answering…
      skinny studded belt-30
      fall style striped hoody-60
      girls khaki shorts-95
      red sneakers-45 or summer sandals-75
      add me . rat50

    5. #633396


      iluv2lol wrote on 2012-06-13 at 12:31 PM

      Welcome to Diamond Design! We do all kinds of outfits here: Casual, Swimwear, Pajamas, Fancy, You Name It! To get a perfect outfit for your pet just answer these questions: 1. What\’s the occasion? 2. What kind of pet is this for? 3. What is your pet\’s personality? 4. What is your budget? I promise you will be 100% satisfied with your outfits, and if not you will get a redo as many times as you want!

      ok i want swim/casual wear for a collie.. something half swim / half comfort clothes … her personality is laughter and generosity and the budget is around 300…
      -add me-

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