Diamond Piano for trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Diamond Piano for trade!

This topic contains 32 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  4444polarbears 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #687289

    TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-12-06 at 06:55 PM

    PLMK your offers!

    hi!! i offer a rose zircon gemster for it, and if not, an emerald gemster. lmk! ;)


    1. #687435


      I will trade my spotted sports car and something small for the piano. Lmk if you want to trade

    2. #687422

      I’m still thinking but i might trade the piano for the gemster and the spotted sports car thing (can’t remember the name lol). I’ll LYK.

      Sorry, but i think i may trade with 4PB.

    3. #687408


      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-12-06 at 10:07 PM

      cutieace wrote on 2012-12-06 at 08:43 PM
      Yes, I do remember you FOTF! Do you happen to need anything from this list?
      Grape soda pup fridge PSI
      Billy goat tasty bouncy sofa PSI
      Rockin wardrobe PSI
      Narwhal arctic tub PSI
      Ice cream tree
      Candy cane seeds
      Acorn 4×4 promo car
      Crazy crown sound effect machine (rockerz)
      White skinny jeans (rockerz)
      Souvenier t-shirt (rockerz)

      Psssst hey cutieace lol, if u offered them your elf shoes in the end it would almost be like u traded elf shows for my gemster… :) that is if tf would agree… and tf, if u see this, well, I don’t feel like typing the reason, if u want you see the reason, just go to page 2 of my opal pup gemster forum. :)

      Hi polarbears, sorry but cutie no longer needs the rose gemster. Also sorry FOTF, I don’t need the piano, either. You guys won’t have any problem getting good trades for those items, so good luck. DF

    4. #687354


      TennesseeFrogs wrote on 2012-12-06 at 08:09 PM

      cutieace wrote on 2012-12-06 at 07:53 PM
      Hi there TennesseeFrogs! Do you happen to have a wants list? Thanks!

      Hi Cutieace! I don’t know if you remember me, but i’m fanofthefrog lol. Anyway, very unrealistic wants list LOL.
      Almost any priceless (except witch, wacky, some others)
      2 Mad Scientist Costumes
      And i’ve also found a sudden want for gemsters lol. I am looking for 2-3 of these for the piano (i could add a little if needed, not sure how much the piano is going for right now) mostly looking for the December and June ones.

      Hey FOTF, would you take full scientist costume for the piano? I don’t need it, but if my bff needs it, I’ll be glad to offer. LMK DF

    5. #687349

      cutieace wrote on 2012-12-06 at 08:43 PM

      Yes, I do remember you FOTF! Do you happen to need anything from this list?
      Grape soda pup fridge PSI
      Billy goat tasty bouncy sofa PSI
      Rockin wardrobe PSI
      Narwhal arctic tub PSI
      Ice cream tree
      Candy cane seeds
      Acorn 4×4 promo car
      Crazy crown sound effect machine (rockerz)
      White skinny jeans (rockerz)
      Souvenier t-shirt (rockerz)

      Psssst hey cutieace lol, if u offered them your elf shoes in the end it would almost be like u traded elf shows for my gemster… :) that is if tf would agree… and tf, if u see this, well, I don’t feel like typing the reason, if u want you see the reason, just go to page 2 of my opal pup gemster forum. :)


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