Do YOU have what I am looking for? +++SAG+++

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Do YOU have what I am looking for? +++SAG+++

This topic contains 333 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  bailey101010 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #626592

    Yes! It posted! I am on lightblue Kinzchat right now if anyone wants to trade me. I am paperdog1234. I will be a golden retriever named Butterscotch.

    1. #630034


      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-13 at 08:51 AM

      Sag- Awesome! There is just one problem. My brother block WW but not WWN so I have to get on his good side. He has been pretty happy so he said he might unblock it soon. I will proably get on again today so we can trade :)

      Hey Tigerstripe!
      You wont trade the items i wanted, right?

    2. #630026


      Sag- Awesome! There is just one problem. My brother block WW but not WWN so I have to get on his good side. He has been pretty happy so he said he might unblock it soon. I will proably get on again today so we can trade :)

    3. #629996

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-12 at 10:28 PM

      But on the last message you wrote:
      Me- cat hat, cat pants and shuts
      You- Psi, and plumpy i think
      I actually like cat shirt more than plumpy. Can we do this:
      Me- cat hat, cheeky dog dicekinz and shuts
      You- cat shirt, psi, and something else? LMK!

      Sure. Wanna trade now? Can we do light blue kinzchat? I will be a froo froo fox named Sparkles. And If I say no to dicekinz think then taht means I want to see your psi. But if I do that please know I like your DK pet pack.

    4. #629989


      But on the last message you wrote:

      Me- cat hat, cat pants and shuts

      You- Psi, and plumpy i think

      I actually like cat shirt more than plumpy. Can we do this:

      Me- cat hat, cheeky dog dicekinz and shuts

      You- cat shirt, psi, and something else? LMK!

    5. #629976

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-12 at 09:51 PM

      Sag- wait where did you get cat pants? If you can get plumpy, I can trade you cat hat, cheeky dog dicekinz and shuts for the psi and plumpy. Lmk if you get it!
      Tiger- I was actually asking for army in case I gave mine to your friend lol. Anyway, it’s fine if you want to trade her, I already have swirl I just wanted an extra lol. Lmk if your friend still wants to do the trade with me or if you are going to trade her :)

      I traded cat pants for the shirt. But I am friends with the girl (I think a girl not a boy) so tomorrow I will trade her something for it. KK?!?!=) i AM STILL ON.

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