Do YOU have what I am looking for? +++SAG+++

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Do YOU have what I am looking for? +++SAG+++

This topic contains 333 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  bailey101010 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #626592

    Yes! It posted! I am on lightblue Kinzchat right now if anyone wants to trade me. I am paperdog1234. I will be a golden retriever named Butterscotch.

    1. #630700

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-14 at 12:18 PM

      Hey sag! I was at my friends house yesterday and I got on ww and inwas telling her about our trade and she said that since the cheeky dog us a retired pet and dicekinz is retired. She said that adding shuts would be unfair for me. So then, I went to the clubhouse and i asked some people and they said the same thing. Can we do cat hat and dicekinz for shirt an psi?

      Um… Well then I would’nt add the psi. And I will be getting the BROWN CHEEKY DOG PET SOON!!!! So I don’t need that pack reallly. Could you do a psi too? I can add a clittle bit. I woi\uldn’t feel comfortable about trade\ing a psi and a retired shirt worth plumpy glasses. so i odn’ know.

    2. #630686


      Hey sag! I was at my friends house yesterday and I got on ww and inwas telling her about our trade and she said that since the cheeky dog us a retired pet and dicekinz is retired. She said that adding shuts would be unfair for me. So then, I went to the clubhouse and i asked some people and they said the same thing. Can we do cat hat and dicekinz for shirt an psi?

    3. #630656

      Adama- Wanna trade 2day?

    4. #630494


      who needs swirl

    5. #630483


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-13 at 05:30 PM

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-13 at 05:18 PM
      Cyber- Ohh! Happy Birthday! Mine is in a month and I can’t wait! Anyway, I am sorry but I just am not really interested in any of the things you are offering. I like the cat outfit, anything else you need? LMK!
      Sag- Yes thats the trade I want to do :) I can try to get on, if not then maybe we can send or something?

      Adama- I’m so sorry I didn’t see your post. I will be on right now right away. I will be a sterling cheeky cat named Whiskers. I was on a different webkinz site. If you talk to mislev can you tell her that I want t talk to her? It’s not a private talk or anything like that.

      hi sag …. just saw this what do you want to talk about? i will check a little later tonight and then quickly in the morning im leaving on vacation after that ill have my laptop but no sure if i ll have internet access. also if we cant get together nutty is a friend and u can talk to her, she probably would be able to answer anything.

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