Do YOU have what I am looking for? +++SAG+++

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Do YOU have what I am looking for? +++SAG+++

This topic contains 333 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  bailey101010 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #626592

    Yes! It posted! I am on lightblue Kinzchat right now if anyone wants to trade me. I am paperdog1234. I will be a golden retriever named Butterscotch.

    1. #631939


      I will try to get on today, also what was something else that you liked for me to add?

    2. #631708

      Adama- THX soooo much! So trade 2morrow?

    3. #631309

      thorobreed wrote on 2012-07-15 at 12:54 PM

      hey you have plumply!!! i would offer deer for it

      No you must if misunderstood when I was talking to adama. But that trade was a long time ago. Probobally like acouple of LONG weeks ago!LOL! If I DO get It I will tell u.

    4. #631292


      hey you have plumply!!! i would offer deer for it

    5. #631283

      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-15 at 12:30 PM

      Sag If you want, we can trade tomorrow and I will give you the cat hat, the psi and something else that you liked for your cat shirt?

      HUH!!!! R U SEREOUS!!!!???!?!?!? THX THX THX SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. WANT ME TO ADD? I spelled THZ. But I deleted it. I changed it to THX. Would you like to KP? I PROMISE YOU you will get your items ASAP! I did a sucessfull (I think thats spelled wrong) trade with FF. I sent him his psi fir the elf shoes and plumpy so I promise you can trust me. Oops I spelled fir not for. Would you like to KP? I do like your witch hat too. I would add.

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