Do YOU have what I am looking for? +++SAG+++

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Do YOU have what I am looking for? +++SAG+++

This topic contains 333 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  bailey101010 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #626592

    Yes! It posted! I am on lightblue Kinzchat right now if anyone wants to trade me. I am paperdog1234. I will be a golden retriever named Butterscotch.

    1. #632655

      Adama- That’s the nicest thing a friend has done for me! I’m not even a teen! LOL. I’m in 4th grade. I do like plumpys glasses.

    2. #632643


      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-17 at 11:07 AM

      Jewels- sag traded me the psi but I might not trade it since it was special to sag. Also, that was sweet what you said but I am not quitting now! :) I am just saying that I am getting a little old and I will have to quit sometime and when I do I will give all my special things to sag :D

      Wow.. If i did that id just sell everything than wasting stuff on Sag hope this posts…

    3. #632619


      Jewels- sag traded me the psi but I might not trade it since it was special to sag. Also, that was sweet what you said but I am not quitting now! :) I am just saying that I am getting a little old and I will have to quit sometime and when I do I will give all my special things to sag :D

    4. #632559


      SAG, do you still have the FrooFroo Setee? If so do you like any of these for it?

      Laser Light show
      Frozen Treats fridge
      Cozy Log Hideaway (E-store)
      Cool Cat String swing (Sig)
      Hide and Go Burrow
      Heated Hound Hot tub(Sig)
      Rockerz Rockin drum set
      Sweet Sweater Stand
      Lemonade Stand
      St-Pat’s Wishing Bridge
      Cream Soda Sprinkler
      Rockhopper Chopper
      Roamin the Plains Grill
      Wild Flower Spa
      Prehistoric Pond
      Golden Honey Waterfall (Sig)
      Relaxing Rocky Sauna
      Swing in the Sky (E-store)
      Hidden Clover Den (E-store)
      V.I.P. Booth
      Mountain Climbing Cliff (Sig)
      Polk a Dot Piano (E-store)
      Emerald Pup Psi
      Ruby Pup Psi
      Opal Pup Psi

      If you don’t like any of these I can make another list or if your looking for something in particular PLMK Thanks,



      PUPPY, I just graduated High school and I still love using Webkinz! Becoming a teenager doesn’t have to mean the end of something you love. We would miss you!

    5. #632505


      Cyber, Ferret and Jewels- I know that its not worth it but I want to do something nice for Sag since she has been so nice to me :) I was actually thinking about giving all my priceless to her when I quit WW. I will be a teenager in a month!!

      Sag- Ok thats fine. Do you remember any of the clothes from yesterday? I don’t want to list since whenever I get on WW, my computer shuts off quickly. Need swan dress, silver dress, elf (not jingle) hat or runners?

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