Do YOU have what I am looking for? +++SAG+++

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Do YOU have what I am looking for? +++SAG+++

This topic contains 333 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  bailey101010 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #626592

    Yes! It posted! I am on lightblue Kinzchat right now if anyone wants to trade me. I am paperdog1234. I will be a golden retriever named Butterscotch.

    1. #634863


      that was my cuzin on my account sry if it was rude all though you can get the bowling trophy on webkinz friends

    2. #634330


      HOLD ON HOLD ON JUST WAIT A SECOND! PEOPLE STIIIIILL want shuts!? SERIOUSLY! PEOPLE COME… ON! shuts got tired and boring a long time ago!WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS TRADING GOOD NOW!? THE BOWLING TROPHY!!!!! you can win the bowling trophy now!!!!! shuts? PLEASE yaaaaawn shuts are a tired fad! the bowling trophy is what the new thing is!!!!

    3. #634033

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-17 at 10:09 PM

      Adama- I traded shuts and winged tiger glasses fir charm. Then I traded charm 4 cat shirt. So now I have an extra one 2 trade u! So what do you want to trade? Is this our trade?
      Me- Cat shirt and an add 4 plumpy.
      You- Plumpy, cat hat, and gumball pit.

      Oops! I spelled fir instead of for. LOL! Adama I’m on now. KK?

    4. #633947

      Viper888 wrote on 2012-07-19 at 09:55 AM

      Well your in luck! I have the charm tiara and i’m a boy so it’s so up for trade.
      PLMK what you have.

      I’m a girl. LOL! Well uh…. What do you need for it?

    5. #633946


      Well your in luck! I have the charm tiara and i’m a boy so it’s so up for trade.

      PLMK what you have.

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