Does anyone have any of these AWESOME items for trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Does anyone have any of these AWESOME items for trade

This topic contains 58 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #655619


    guest112232 wrote on 2012-08-21 at 05:37 PM

    Ok I really need hoodwinked stuff, campkinz peek stuff, estore points, kinetimals stuff, or cuddly koala pj’s

    Hi, Guest, I have some paw print paintings, polar bear, black bear, and white tiger plushes, and tiger cub posters. LMK

    1. #657558

      bailey, did you want your elegant sette back? because in the trading room,
      it seemed like you were excited to get it back. you know, emerald? i was wering a frakenkinz hat.
      so just letting you know….. hey if you want, i can giv you all your stuff back for the slide
      if you want. JLMK.

    2. #657498


      mislev wrote on 2012-08-25 at 06:03 PM

      guest….if it is called the jack-o-lantern hat it is tradeable….absolutely tradeble…
      why can’t he just send to you and we can trade….PLMK
      if u dont want to trade then just LMK and ill get it somewhere else…

      all this time your brother had a spooky ghost mask from the estore…..boy that was a waste of time i asked u to make sure it was the jack-o-lantern hat ……..thats the only one i want…..and am truly disappointed….
      thanx anyway…

    3. #657442


      guest….if it is called the jack-o-lantern hat it is tradeable….absolutely tradeble…
      why can’t he just send to you and we can trade….PLMK
      if u dont want to trade then just LMK and ill get it somewhere else…

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