Does anyone have any of these AWESOME items for trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Does anyone have any of these AWESOME items for trade

This topic contains 58 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #655619


    guest112232 wrote on 2012-08-21 at 05:37 PM

    Ok I really need hoodwinked stuff, campkinz peek stuff, estore points, kinetimals stuff, or cuddly koala pj’s

    Hi, Guest, I have some paw print paintings, polar bear, black bear, and white tiger plushes, and tiger cub posters. LMK

    1. #655966


      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-22 at 06:37 PM

      HoneyDreamSweet wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:27 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:22 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-22 at 10:07 AM
      guest..what is ur user ( is it the angel###) so if i see it i’ll know if u r on… u have plus clubhouse.??…..i will send u some items because i have extra….

      guest im going to send u the white tiger plush and the yellow jumpsuit…..i just need to know what ur user is…and are we going to trade on the DJ forum…..

      Her user is Cady### she’s on my friend list so I know :)
      Guest- I heard you had a Cell Phone Sofa? I can do The Majical Meadow Window(Kinectimals, animated butterflies), Bear Cub Statue(Kinectimals), a lot of Plushies (idk,3?) and maybe a psi? LMK :) I can add some hoodwinked stuff as well ;)

      Guest? I saw you in the trading room with Anna, but you wouldn’t rep,y, lol, are you interested? LMK…

      sure i would do cell phone sofa for those

    2. #655958


      HoneyDreamSweet wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:27 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:22 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-22 at 10:07 AM
      guest..what is ur user ( is it the angel###) so if i see it i’ll know if u r on… u have plus clubhouse.??…..i will send u some items because i have extra….

      guest im going to send u the white tiger plush and the yellow jumpsuit…..i just need to know what ur user is…and are we going to trade on the DJ forum…..

      Her user is Cady### she’s on my friend list so I know :)
      Guest- I heard you had a Cell Phone Sofa? I can do The Majical Meadow Window(Kinectimals, animated butterflies), Bear Cub Statue(Kinectimals), a lot of Plushies (idk,3?) and maybe a psi? LMK :) I can add some hoodwinked stuff as well ;)

      Guest? I saw you in the trading room with Anna, but you wouldn’t rep,y, lol, are you interested? LMK…

    3. #655957


      Haves List–

      Part 1

      autunm sunset touque
      candy corn costume (full)
      wheel of the month tee
      bee costume (full)
      any kinzstyle outlet clothes
      road trip yellow hat (2011)
      road trip yellow tshirt (2011)
      road trip pink hat (2011)
      road trip pink tshirt (2011)
      diving bell flippers
      diving bell top
      cave explorer shoes
      road trip red hat (2011)
      road trip red tshirt (2011)
      MAZIN’ hamster stunt pants
      MAZIN hamster stunt top
      ladybug costume (full)
      springtime dress
      springtime shoes
      card collector cropped jacket (pink)
      neon afro
      blue bubble and trouble witch costume (full)
      dj outfit
      cave explorer bottom
      zodiac earth costume bottom
      turkey hat (2012)
      field hat
      security guard uniform (SPREE)
      hockey helmet (holiday)
      wool hat (holiday)
      free ride zingoz hat (2011 zingoz festival)
      painting overalls
      winterfest pj bottoms
      snowglobe hat
      fishing hat
      snowy face stickers
      academy choir robe
      sham rockin’ bottoms
      green popstar dress
      wheel of wow hat
      zum buckled nelt
      fast food waiter outfit (SPREE)
      tye dye top
      red dotty party dress
      koala holiday hat
      dragon queen robe (SPREE)
      golden solar boots
      wheel of wow jacket
      clown nose
      soccer cleats
      pink pony sparkly dress
      rockinz mohawk
      blue baby romper
      wackyER zingoz pants


    4. #655954


      guest112232 wrote on 2012-08-21 at 07:51 PM

      Everyone I need all of them so tell me what you want for them

      if u friend me ill give my shoes and hood to u 4 free. anyways i cant get rid of them!

    5. #655934


      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-22 at 05:31 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-22 at 02:22 PM

      mislev wrote on 2012-08-22 at 10:07 AM
      guest..what is ur user ( is it the angel###) so if i see it i’ll know if u r on… u have plus clubhouse.??…..i will send u some items because i have extra….

      guest im going to send u the white tiger plush and the yellow jumpsuit…..i just need to know what ur user is…and are we going to trade on the DJ forum…..

      What do you want for your candy hat? Lmk. Bailey101010

      bailey….im not really interested in trading my candy hat at this point….maybe for the starlight mint sofa……cant really think of anything else…..

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