Does anyone have Moon berries? I need some.

Home Forums Questions – Archives Does anyone have Moon berries? I need some.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ljc999dogs3 12 years ago.

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  • #716918

    I’m doing a MEGA CHALLENGE and it said to feed my pet 5 moon berries. I’ve fed it 2 so far. If you have any you’re willing to give up please let me know. I’ll trade if I need to.

    1. #718650


      Sorry guys, unfortunately you can’t trade any of the berries.

    2. #718315


      Im stuck on that challenge too.

    3. #717863

      I have tried to send moonberries before using kinzpost, and it doesn’t work. I am so sorry. I would send if I could!!!

    4. #717600

      Oh well. But I think someone just said that you can’t trade Moon berries. I don’t know if that’s true or not but I can find out. I just got another moon berry.

    5. #717241


      Sorry I don’t have… :(

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