Does the Stormy Dragon SEEM rare?

Home Forums Pets – Archives Does the Stormy Dragon SEEM rare?

This topic contains 15 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Melonslicer 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #844324


    Its a real mystery when it comes to uncommon pets. like the stormy dragon! (if you don’t know what or who the stormy dragon is, look it up.) i have the stormy dragon, and you might not know that it came out in April 2012. Do YOU think it’s a mystery? Do you also think it’s RARE? Comment below and also look out for my upcoming forum, The neon tutu!

    1. #860771


      It seems uncommon, but not extremely rare. Dragon Webkinz always seem to sell like crazy. I remember when the Whimsy dragon came out and soooo many people were having a fit to get it before it sold out. If you collect rare Webkinz be sure to always get the dragons :P

      • #865529


        My friend got Whimsy Dragons for her, AND me. My sister got one too a few months later out of jealousy of mine.

    2. #853502

      It does seem rare. :D It’s a cool pet, but they’ve made so many I forget about it. ~HappyHerbivore :D

      • #860425


        I know, there have been so many new additions to the Webkinz family…with all those pets, it’s hard to keep track of them all, so it’s a genuine surprise when gems like this pop up again!

    3. #852652

      Not really I found like ten at a store I go to I cant say because it exclusive where I live. Sorry everyone who wants the stormy dragon bye

    4. #852164


      I’d also like to add that not only does the Stormy Dragon SEEM rare, it also LOOKS rare. The dark, stormy purple color of its scales contrasts greatly (yet tastefully) with its iridescent belly. It looks really majestic, in a strong, sturdy type of way. I always did like dragons, and this one’s no exception! :D

      • #852354


        oh my G-O-S-H. coolest explanation ever! (Im kinda dumb when it comes to words, so… i don’t really know what iridescent means… (-_-))

        • #852529


          Thanks for the reply! Oh, and iridescent means shiny and colorful, like some kinds of hummingbirds; it looks like the colors change from different angles! Sorry for the confusion! :)

      • #852537

        I agree with you, Fracktail! :) I think that this is the best webkinz dragon as well. If I had one, I would name him Thor.

      • #857902


        I also adore dragons (even though I only have four). I have the Stormy Dragon, and really love him. I think I got him pretty cheap at Target. And it might have been the summer he came out. So really I don’t think it that rare.

        • #860961


          Unfortunately, I don’t have the Stormy Dragon; I do have the Whimsy, Emperor, Citrus, and Ice Dragons, though. I desperately wish for the Chinese Dragon, though; the Eastern dragon is wiser and more majestic (as well as being considerably friendlier) than its Western counterpart.

          • #865528


            Have you studied dragons before? When I was going through my REALLY BIG dragon phase, I tried to learn as mush about them as I could. I have the Stormy Dragon(like I said), the Whimsy Dragon, the Ice Dragon, and the Splash Dragon. I wish I had more, but some of them have already retired. I too really want the Chinese Dragon. And the Twilight dragon, and the lava dragon, and- I’ll stop talking now.

    5. #849296

      Hi cutefinn373! :D I forgot webkinz made the stormy dragon until you mentioned it, and I’ve been a member for several years. LOL And yes, it IS a mystery when it comes to uncommon pets because webkinz releases pets every month, so after while, there are so many pets, you loose track of what kinds of pets exist. Then when one like the stormy dragon pops up, you’re like: I don’t remember webkinz making a stormy dragon. Also, it’s not rare yet. A lot of online stores sell it such as Amazon. Have a sweet day!~SC

      • #852353


        the stormy dragon i totally got from amazon.. they didn’t have it at jewel, toys-r-us, or target! so…. i was like, “mom. amazon. NOW.” we were on amazon, saw it, bought it with a trumpet music book, and sent it in like, 2 weeks or so. also i think there is a mistake in my “intro.”. A website said the stormy dragon came out in 2011, btw, i didnt play webkinz back then. . P.S. thx for the comment! ~cutefinn373~

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