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This topic contains 1,013 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  coldbear1321 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #722385


    Here is a place where you give away your unwanted items.

    1. #776582

      @Becky71w: While it has been asked many times before, I was wondering if you had an extra Maple Syrup Fountain. I am also looking for a Fairy Den Sofa. My username is catcass9 and I have sent out a friend request to MysteryGift. Thanks! :) ~Strawberry

    2. #776607

      Becky, Thank you very much for the Shower and extras! I don’t mean to be a bother to you. Please let me know if there’s ever anything you need or would like to have! Thanks for being such a wonderful friend. Have a nice day!

    3. #776957

      @Becky71W Ok, thanks. I really love the honeycomb wallpaper/floor, but since it’s estore, well, enough said. :P Thanks for the info! Sending out a plea for all kinds of promo, plumpy, WZ jeans, and newer or signature psi! (Or Valentine psi.) If anyone has any of this for trade, LMK, and I’ll try and work something out with you!

    4. #776238

      @Becky71W (Not sure if my post went through a few pages back.) Might you have an extra of: Rainbow falls, Maple syrup fountian, rainbow slide, or heartwarming tub? If you do, I’ll be happy to try and work something out with you. Also, do you know what Honeycomb wallpaper and floor are? What I mean is, are they promo, estore, psi, or…..what? I’d love some, and I want to know if I should bother looking for them in the trading room. :) Thanks! UN crescentcandy

    5. #775586


      @Becky71w, the foods are not PSF, but are solved recipe foods. I would NEVER send PSF, unless someone asked for it; I know it makes different pets sick! :( I enjoy making the different recipe foods, and thought you may like some, to feed to your pets or to sell. I try to send only sensible combination foods – ones that combine common ingredients and not weird or nasty seeming combos! I cannot reciprocate, in kind, for all you have done, but wanted to show some appreciation and like to be a little whimsical.

      • #776271


        Thank you for the food. Those Fancy Schmancy Waffles look so good I want some for real! But really thank you and I do appreciate the foods and friendship : )

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