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This topic contains 1,013 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  coldbear1321 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #722385


    Here is a place where you give away your unwanted items.

    1. #778519


      I got it so thank you very much! I am still trying to learn how to see someone elses house and rooms as I would like to put a party room together. I have three place settings now and a party pack but want to visit someone and see what their party rooms look like and what you put in them. Because I am just a member who bought a pet at the gift store I do not know how to visit someone. Let me know what is in your party rooms and if you can teach me how to visit to see it like a field trip! Thanks crissy135

      • #779137


        Hey there! In order to see someone’s house and their rooms, you either have to go to their house when they are hosting a party, or they have to invite you over. In order for them to invite you over, they have to turn on their their Kinzchat phone (The thing that looks like a phone) and click on someone’s name that is their friend that is ALSO online at the same time. If you’d like to visit my house sometime, I’ll look out for your UN being online and I’ll invite you over! :D Also, if someone invites you over for a party, you can only be in the room that is for the party. If they invite you over without it being a party, you can see their whole house!

        • #779281


          Thank you for telling me how that works. A few people have invited me to parties but I can never get into them-do you have to do something special? And thank you for inviting me into your webkinz home- I am super curious how people decorate their rooms! I will be on webkinz tonight so if you see crissy or lissy let us come visit-thank you Artisticat!

          • #779548


            In order to get into a party you have to have your Kinzchat cell phone turned on, and then you have to go to your house. When it’s time for the party to start, a button will show up in the top right of your screen in your room, where you can click it to go to the party! If the person is hosting it at their house, they have to be home or you can’t go. If it’s in a party room, you can still go there if they aren’t there (I think that’s how that works. I think a couple of times I went to party rooms where the person who made the party wasn’t there. Lol) And sure! I’ll invite you over, but make sure your cell phone is turned on when you’re logged on, or I won’t know you’re online! :D If you have any more questions, there are lots of question mark buttons on Webkinz or Help buttons, where you can click them and they’ll explain how something works! Hope that helps. :D

            • #781127


              I am so sorry to ask so many questions on here- but I did want to ask one more as you have been so helpful! I am working on making a party room in my house BUT- if I have a party in my house can I pick which room I want people to go in when I do a party? It would not be good if I made a party room and could not pick it for a party- can you let me know my wise one? Thank you super much-crissy135

    2. #778956


      i have spree road pieces, seaside palace sandcastle, fire hydrant fridge, plushes, few swings, few slides, rugs, crowns, stylish snow suit, pixie dress, pom pom beanbag chair, cupcake chair, tutu, and more i am giving them away because i have so much stuff and not enough rooms and i don’t play webkinz much anymore if interested my user name is fluffykinz68 please reply with date and time to scedule a pick up time. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • #779067


        Hey there! I would love to have the Cupcake Chair and one swing and one slide of your choice! My UN is KittyKatCutie. I will add you and we don’t have to meet up, if that’s okay! You can just send me those items through the Kinzpost. :D Thanks so much!

      • #779057


        Hi carrotbeth! My username is Bobblon. I added you! I was wondering if I could have any swings or slides psi! I would also love the stylish snow suit and really anything else you mentioned like the pixie dress :D Thanks!! ~LT~

      • #779365


        Hi carrot! I would love the,… Tutu, Pom Pom beanbag chair and do you have. An extra of the cupcake chair? It’s ok if you don’t :) by the way un is gracie10294 thank you! ;)

      • #779623


        Hey their carrotbeth I send you a friend request look for markg97 (my username, no caps.), I would like to know if you still have the stylish snow suit and the pixie dress, and do you also have the stylish ski helmet if so I would like that too. Please and Thank You and also please send it through KinzPost if possible. Thanks

      • #779598

        I would like a fire highdrent fridge! I am pupp1266 on webkinz. You can add me, then send it, does that sound okay? I can send something in return too.

      • #781002

        Hi carrotbeth. I am interested in any rugs you have. Especially Christmas or Easter ones, but any will do. I am also wondering if you have the blue crown? Can you send through Kinzpost? I will send a friends request. My UN is the same. Thanks. ~MORHB~

      • #781445


        If no one has asked for the seaside palace sandcastle can I have it please? After I finish my party room I am going to do a outdoor beach….thank you-crissy135

    3. #778659

      I have recived so much the last few days that i lost track. some things i don’t think i was expecting and need to know if i am suppoesed to send anything in return. Thanks! ~Texas Girl

    4. #778222


      I would love one as I was thinking about making a party room and learning how to have a party in my house. I can’t remember if we are friends but my UN is crissy 135. And abi- glad you have a new forum and I promise not to clutter it up:) Hope you are doing well!

    5. #776576

      Anyone want a party place setting?

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