Earning a lot of kinzcash

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Earning a lot of kinzcash

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  froggyis10 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #832292


    Does anyone know any ways to earn a lot of kinzcash on Webkinz?

    1. #834096


      I love this one game because it gives me so much kinzcash and its fun. Lilly Pads 1! Hope this helped!! ~Froggyis10

    2. #833703

      One more thing, try checking Today’s Activities often. ~Agentequ~

    3. #833702

      Yes I have four very good ways in which i earn most of my kinz cash. 1. Farming. Fill on outdoor room with plants. Garden every day. Strawberries and carrots are the most profitable. Hint: watering does not do anything you only need to rake. I am working on my second farm. When you harvest you can sell all the crops for a lot of KC. 2. Entering Competitions. First you need to train every day at the academy. This takes awhile. But when you get good you can earn a lot of money. 3. Dailies. Make sure to log on and do them every day. If you try to limit your spending this will also save you money. 4. Selling. Sell whatever you don’t need. (Don’t sell anything rare) Hope this helps!

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