Emo Jeans, Plumpy, White Bunny ears and more for trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Emo Jeans, Plumpy, White Bunny ears and more for trade!

This topic contains 139 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Bella_and_Ivory_BFFs 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86652

    <p>I have: Emo jeans, Pink explorer shirt, White Bunny ears, Plumpy x2, Swirl, and Orange army for trade. My main wants are B&amp;W Cat Feet and Pants, green swim and brown belt. :D

    1. #617191


      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 01:37 PM

      Hey dollar, I just got home and I can be on for a little bit lmk if you want to meat up still.

      sorry pal i looked for you so long now i have to leave i’ll trade you sail cap for sure tomorrow for the three items i asked…..see yah tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

    2. #617186


      Oh hey candy. Can u please add the wacky for me?

    3. #617173


      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 01:37 PM

      Hey dollar, I just got home and I can be on for a little bit lmk if you want to meat up still.

      iM ON RIGHT NOW BUT I haVE TO LEAVE SOON are you on right now pal????????????and yes i need the items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!let me know soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!

    4. #617166


      kbk100 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 03:00 PM

      Yes dollar it is me stormy hope to see you soon BFF!!!!!!!!!!

      ooze this is so cool i am and HELLO BFF……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. #617163


      bluestella wrote on 2012-06-15 at 03:19 PM

      hey music,i have everything ur looking for. what ur offer?

      Bluestella you never replied to me on the “who needs burger costume” forum.

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