Emo Jeans, Plumpy, White Bunny ears and more for trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Emo Jeans, Plumpy, White Bunny ears and more for trade!

This topic contains 139 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Bella_and_Ivory_BFFs 12 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #86652

    <p>I have: Emo jeans, Pink explorer shirt, White Bunny ears, Plumpy x2, Swirl, and Orange army for trade. My main wants are B&amp;W Cat Feet and Pants, green swim and brown belt. :D

    1. #617090

      Hey dollar, I just got home and I can be on for a little bit lmk if you want to meat up still.

    2. #617079

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-15 at 01:12 PM

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 01:06 PM

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-15 at 01:03 PM

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 12:57 PM
      Kk- I was looking for priceless clothing, my main wants are green swim top, cat feet, and cat pants. Lmk if you have any. ;)
      SAG- Alrighty *crosses fingers* xP

      Sigh, no. I have a few more stuff but I cant go on because Im on my kindel fire.

      Alrighty, LMK if you get more. ;) I’m on my nook tablet. XP

      Sure, Ill look for those in the clubhouse for you! LOL, what a coincidence!

      Sounds good. ;)

    3. #617078

      dollar123 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 01:08 PM

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 01:00 PM

      dollar123 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 12:54 PM

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-06-14 at 11:16 PM
      I have: Emo jeans, Pink explorer shirt, White Bunny ears, Plumpy x2, Swirl, and Orange army for trade. My main wants are B&W Cat Feet and Pants, green swim and brown belt. :D

      HELLO you there pal?????????
      i did not see the pink explorer top on your list before sorry about that
      i like the pink explore too and i am on right now so we can trade if you come to trading room two i will be a bengal tiger named DOLLAR let me know so i can go to that room!!!!!!!!!!

      Oh sorry, guess I didn’t see a post or something. XP I can’t get on right now, I’m on my nook tablet and no where close to a laptop but I’d be happy to add you so we can meat up later? I’ll let you know when I can get on a computer to trade with you. ;)

      oh okay so white bunny,pink explore top and mmm emotion is a deal right????????
      if you make a deal i think i’ll save the cap till we meet at clubhouse some day…………nice meeting you MusicLover1234!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      A deal for what? O-e I’m kinda confused, did you change your mind or do you still need my items? o: I’ll probably be able to meat you in the clubhouse later this evening if you still needed them…

    4. #617073

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 01:06 PM

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-15 at 01:03 PM

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 12:57 PM
      Kk- I was looking for priceless clothing, my main wants are green swim top, cat feet, and cat pants. Lmk if you have any. ;)
      SAG- Alrighty *crosses fingers* xP

      Sigh, no. I have a few more stuff but I cant go on because Im on my kindel fire.

      Alrighty, LMK if you get more. ;) I’m on my nook tablet. XP

      Sure, Ill look for those in the clubhouse for you! LOL, what a coincidence!


    5. #617072


      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 01:06 PM

      IvyHeartEvolution wrote on 2012-06-15 at 01:03 PM

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-06-15 at 12:57 PM
      Kk- I was looking for priceless clothing, my main wants are green swim top, cat feet, and cat pants. Lmk if you have any. ;)
      SAG- Alrighty *crosses fingers* xP

      Sigh, no. I have a few more stuff but I cant go on because Im on my kindel fire.

      Alrighty, LMK if you get more. ;) I’m on my nook tablet. XP

      oh ok so white ears,pink explore top and emotion is a fixed deal???????????

      because then i can save cap for you no matter when we me ate at club house????????????LMK thanks

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