Emotion Jeans, Plumpy Glasses, Elf Hat, And More HERE! ~+~SAG~+~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Emotion Jeans, Plumpy Glasses, Elf Hat, And More HERE! ~+~SAG~+~

This topic contains 40 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  $tarryNight 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #646462


    schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 01:32 PM

    Hi Everyone! I need priceless for these items. I will post my wishlist soon but I am open to all offers. =)

    I have army for trade, DO you have cat shirt or feet I can add. Thanks~

    1. #647231


      snowy527 wrote on 2012-08-10 at 03:12 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-10 at 03:07 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-10 at 02:50 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-10 at 02:46 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 03:32 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-09 at 03:11 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 02:14 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-09 at 02:03 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 01:32 PM
      Hi Everyone! I need priceless for these items. I will post my wishlist soon but I am open to all offers. =)

      i need elf hat but all i have for it are elf shoes.

      WildFire- Hmm… I’ll think about it….
      Mislev- No I don;t have a scuba belt. Sorry.
      Dogs- Sorry I don;t need army.
      SW- Sorry I don;t need that. Oh and If I don;t trade with wildfire then could you please ask your sister what she wants for her elf shoes? Oh I will post my wishlist in a few minuets.


      do you have any other priceless?

      sorry none of my other priceless is for trade besides cat hat for cat feet…..

      Do you have witch of sail clothes? I could add swirl…?…

      no thanks i have swirl, and which and sail is not for trade, sorry

      Are you looking for the witch dress? If so, I have it. I would like shuts or wings and I would add.

      hi! if schnauzersaregreat does not need witch dress, i can give three of these for it:

      patriotic top hat
      springtime dress
      charmed mushroom hat
      signature elephant shower
      ice throne psi
      zodiac earth top
      sunflower bonnet

      PLMK if your interested!

      SW :)

    2. #647226


      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-10 at 03:07 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-10 at 02:50 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-10 at 02:46 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 03:32 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-09 at 03:11 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 02:14 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-09 at 02:03 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 01:32 PM
      Hi Everyone! I need priceless for these items. I will post my wishlist soon but I am open to all offers. =)

      i need elf hat but all i have for it are elf shoes.

      WildFire- Hmm… I’ll think about it….
      Mislev- No I don;t have a scuba belt. Sorry.
      Dogs- Sorry I don;t need army.
      SW- Sorry I don;t need that. Oh and If I don;t trade with wildfire then could you please ask your sister what she wants for her elf shoes? Oh I will post my wishlist in a few minuets.


      do you have any other priceless?

      sorry none of my other priceless is for trade besides cat hat for cat feet…..

      Do you have witch of sail clothes? I could add swirl…?…

      no thanks i have swirl, and which and sail is not for trade, sorry

      Are you looking for the witch dress? If so, I have it. I would like shuts or wings and I would add.

    3. #647224

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-10 at 03:07 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-10 at 02:50 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-10 at 02:46 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 03:32 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-09 at 03:11 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 02:14 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-09 at 02:03 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 01:32 PM
      Hi Everyone! I need priceless for these items. I will post my wishlist soon but I am open to all offers. =)

      i need elf hat but all i have for it are elf shoes.

      WildFire- Hmm… I’ll think about it….
      Mislev- No I don;t have a scuba belt. Sorry.
      Dogs- Sorry I don;t need army.
      SW- Sorry I don;t need that. Oh and If I don;t trade with wildfire then could you please ask your sister what she wants for her elf shoes? Oh I will post my wishlist in a few minuets.


      do you have any other priceless?

      sorry none of my other priceless is for trade besides cat hat for cat feet…..

      Do you have witch of sail clothes? I could add swirl…?…

      no thanks i have swirl, and which and sail is not for trade, sorry

      i’m in webkinz world now trading in light blue zone at kinz chat plus if you liked my offer for elf hat, i am a arctic fox named andi

    4. #647219

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-10 at 02:50 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-10 at 02:46 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 03:32 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-09 at 03:11 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 02:14 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-09 at 02:03 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 01:32 PM
      Hi Everyone! I need priceless for these items. I will post my wishlist soon but I am open to all offers. =)

      i need elf hat but all i have for it are elf shoes.

      WildFire- Hmm… I’ll think about it….
      Mislev- No I don;t have a scuba belt. Sorry.
      Dogs- Sorry I don;t need army.
      SW- Sorry I don;t need that. Oh and If I don;t trade with wildfire then could you please ask your sister what she wants for her elf shoes? Oh I will post my wishlist in a few minuets.


      do you have any other priceless?

      sorry none of my other priceless is for trade besides cat hat for cat feet…..

      Do you have witch of sail clothes? I could add swirl…?…

      no thanks i have swirl, and which and sail is not for trade, sorry

    5. #647210

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-10 at 02:46 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 03:32 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-09 at 03:11 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 02:14 PM

      wildfire12345678910 wrote on 2012-08-09 at 02:03 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-08-09 at 01:32 PM
      Hi Everyone! I need priceless for these items. I will post my wishlist soon but I am open to all offers. =)

      i need elf hat but all i have for it are elf shoes.

      WildFire- Hmm… I’ll think about it….
      Mislev- No I don;t have a scuba belt. Sorry.
      Dogs- Sorry I don;t need army.
      SW- Sorry I don;t need that. Oh and If I don;t trade with wildfire then could you please ask your sister what she wants for her elf shoes? Oh I will post my wishlist in a few minuets.


      do you have any other priceless?

      sorry none of my other priceless is for trade besides cat hat for cat feet…..

      Do you have witch of sail clothes? I could add swirl…?…

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