Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ENCHANTED LOCH FOR TRADE!!

This topic contains 57 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  xboxpab 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89901

    <p>okay, i just got the loch in the trading room!! yay!! i’m not sure if it’s for trade, it needs a really really good offer, but LMK what you can trade for it if you’re interested. Thanks, ~AQUA

    1. #660401

      sushiprincess wrote on 2012-08-31 at 06:33 PM

      I might trade a handbag bed for the loch

      No thanks sorry, i’d like trade it for a priceless that a friend of mine wants. Sorry :(

    2. #660395

      I might trade a handbag bed for the loch

    3. #660389

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-08-31 at 12:28 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-31 at 12:03 PM

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-08-31 at 07:36 AM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-30 at 04:13 PM
      okay, i just got the loch in the trading room!! yay!! i’m not sure if it’s for trade, it needs a really really good offer, but LMK what you can trade for it if you’re interested. Thanks, ~AQUA

      wacky jeans is my offer

      Hmmm.. love that offer. You know, i think i’ll ask nata on this one.. she may just want wacky more than the loch. I’ll contact her and see what she says .

      i have 05 witch hat for trade to

      hey xbox! my friend would love the witch hat! add me @ MellarkEverdeen, and we can set up the trade. If you want to do KP that’s fine with me, but i’d prefer if you sent first. I’ve traded with ohmy1, kittens rule, and sonici before, so i’m trustworthy. Anyway, either way’s fine with me, just LMK soon

    4. #660385

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-08-31 at 12:28 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-31 at 12:03 PM

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-08-31 at 07:36 AM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-30 at 04:13 PM
      okay, i just got the loch in the trading room!! yay!! i’m not sure if it’s for trade, it needs a really really good offer, but LMK what you can trade for it if you’re interested. Thanks, ~AQUA

      wacky jeans is my offer

      Hmmm.. love that offer. You know, i think i’ll ask nata on this one.. she may just want wacky more than the loch. I’ll contact her and see what she says .

      i have 05 witch hat for trade to

      Hey xbox, nata said that she’d love the witch hat! When would you like to set up the trade? PLMK and add me @ MellarkEverdeen. Also, i would be more than happy to do KP. I’ve traded with Sonici, kittens rule, oh my, and others through KP so i’m trustworthy. LMK what you’d like to do, or when and where you wanna meet :)

    5. #660281


      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-31 at 03:22 PM

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-08-31 at 02:58 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-31 at 01:53 PM

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-08-31 at 12:28 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-31 at 12:03 PM

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-08-31 at 07:36 AM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-30 at 04:13 PM
      okay, i just got the loch in the trading room!! yay!! i’m not sure if it’s for trade, it needs a really really good offer, but LMK what you can trade for it if you’re interested. Thanks, ~AQUA

      wacky jeans is my offer

      Hmmm.. love that offer. You know, i think i’ll ask nata on this one.. she may just want wacky more than the loch. I’ll contact her and see what she says .

      i have 05 witch hat for trade to

      Okay.. wait do you have any cat pieces?? I’m sure the person i’m trading with has the cat hat, so maybe she’d like the pants, or shirt? LMK!

      no cat for trade sorry

      Okay, i’m still waiting for nata’s reply to see if she’d rather have the loch or wacky. I’ll LYK what she says asap okay? thanks so much,

      I have cat feet….

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