Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ESTORE TRADING!!!!!

This topic contains 216 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  AquamarineKatsuma 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #87833


    <p>I want any slides. I have a lot of PSI.

    1. #632618


      friendly1 wrote on 2012-07-17 at 12:03 AM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-07-16 at 03:45 PM
      Hi! You can trade E-store Psi’s and and Promos. Anyway, here are some of the slides and swings I have for trade ;
      Peppermint Swirl Slide (E-store)
      Bamboo Chute Slide (Sig)
      Sly Slide (Sig)
      Daring Den Slide (Sig)
      Golden Glide Water Slide (Sig)
      Spot of tea Slide (Sig)
      Burrowing Cliffside slide (Sig)
      Jungle Gym Slider (Sig)
      Golden Gorilla Slide (Promo)
      Super Sugar Swing (E-store)
      Cool cat String Swing (Sig)
      Endangered Island Getaway swing (Sig)
      Swing in the Sky (E-store)
      Tennis Ball Swing (Sig?)
      Bamboo Chute Swing
      Shamrocking Swing (E-store)
      Precious Purse Swing (Sig)
      Muddy River Raft Ride (new Sig. Hippo Psi)
      Designer Catwalk (Sig) not a ride or a slide but very cool!
      Palatial Platform (Sig.King Charles Spaniel Psi, so gorgeous!)
      I also have the new E-store Cozy Log Hideaway and tons more E-store Psi’s but you wanted slides and stuff like that so I only listed these. If you want the rest of the list PLMK, I’m looking for these items ;
      Spellbook Perch
      Froofroo Settee
      Canyon Crosswalk
      Enchanted Garden Cascading Fountain (It was a prize a while back)
      Wintergreen Candy Cane bed

      Hi Jewels,
      I have the enchanted garden cascading fountain. I would trade it for the new muddy river raft ride. LMK!

      Oh Friendly! I have 3 items promised for 2 other trades today and they are the River Raft ride, Catwalk and Palatial Platform. Here are a few other items I have to trade if you don’t like anything else on the above list ;

      Ossily plant (dog bone seeds!)
      Any of the 3 Gemsters
      Laser Light show
      Any V.I.P. Backstage pass item
      Frankenkinz cap
      Taste Tester Fountain
      Golden Honey Waterfall
      Relaxing Rocky Sauna
      Beachside Gazebo
      Blue Moon Lagoon
      Cozy Hayloft Hideaway
      Polk a Dot Piano
      Homemade Carrot Juicer
      Jungle Cat Perch
      Carved Gem Fountain
      Heart Warming Tub
      Royal Guard station
      Cocoa Cafe Booth
      Rainforest Retreat
      Cool Breeze Plummage Fan Lounge chair
      Fresh Water Waterfall Wall
      Handbag bed
      Strawberry Bubblebath
      Puppy Picnic table
      Nutty Conveyer Belt
      Amethyst bed (maybe…)
      Sand Dune Den
      Bagpiper’s Trampoline
      Tropical Colors Water Fountain
      Daisy Flower bed
      Mud Wallow Hot Springs
      Refreshing Oasis (maybe…)
      Gigantic Movie Screen

      PLMK Thanks,



    2. #632613


      Jewels-I also have the savannah main stage.

    3. #632611


      Jewels, which items and how many would you trade for the catwalk?

    4. #632590


      jewels can i trade you the exclusive pet item from the shar pei its wrinkled paper lanterns

    5. #632557


      jewels250 wrote on 2012-07-16 at 03:45 PM

      Hi! You can trade E-store Psi’s and and Promos. Anyway, here are some of the slides and swings I have for trade ;
      Peppermint Swirl Slide (E-store)
      Bamboo Chute Slide (Sig)
      Sly Slide (Sig)
      Daring Den Slide (Sig)
      Golden Glide Water Slide (Sig)
      Spot of tea Slide (Sig)
      Burrowing Cliffside slide (Sig)
      Jungle Gym Slider (Sig)
      Golden Gorilla Slide (Promo)
      Super Sugar Swing (E-store)
      Cool cat String Swing (Sig)
      Endangered Island Getaway swing (Sig)
      Swing in the Sky (E-store)
      Tennis Ball Swing (Sig?)
      Bamboo Chute Swing
      Shamrocking Swing (E-store)
      Precious Purse Swing (Sig)
      Muddy River Raft Ride (new Sig. Hippo Psi)
      Designer Catwalk (Sig) not a ride or a slide but very cool!
      Palatial Platform (Sig.King Charles Spaniel Psi, so gorgeous!)
      I also have the new E-store Cozy Log Hideaway and tons more E-store Psi’s but you wanted slides and stuff like that so I only listed these. If you want the rest of the list PLMK, I’m looking for these items ;
      Spellbook Perch
      Froofroo Settee
      Canyon Crosswalk
      Enchanted Garden Cascading Fountain (It was a prize a while back)
      Wintergreen Candy Cane bed

      Hi Jewels,
      I have the enchanted garden cascading fountain. I would trade it for the new muddy river raft ride. LMK!


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