Fashion Consultants for Hire

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Fashion Consultants for Hire

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kmeredith 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #779753


    Listen up all you Webkinz fashion lovers out there I have decided to make this page cause, well I like to be organized when it comes to style. This is a page for people to talk about the hottest trends new and old. Everything from Clothing machine Recipes to just plain old talk about good outfits for certain pets. I think that me and my soon to be followers should start with the clothing machine recipes I’ll give you the ones I have and the ones I need you guys can help me with the rest. This is a place for people to show their flair and creative Fashion ability.Thanks guys!

    1. #781507


      I have 32 clothing recipies that all work i’ll post them if you’d like. :)

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