Fashion Party!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Fashion Party!

This topic contains 229 replies, has 53 voices, and was last updated by  Bostonterriersrule 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #611927

    IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. #669448

      hey yall!
      I’m doing makeovers on all 20 of my pets!
      i will be posting my pets new outfits

      The new fashion line is here and they are adorable!

    2. #666077

      christinekc wrote on 2012-09-15 at 07:45 AM

      Hey I’m back in need of a new outfit! Info….
      Name is yellow jacket.
      Lil ‘canary.
      Curious, kind, brave and smart.
      wants to help goober when she grows up.
      Likes blueberry cheesecakes, doll houses, rhinos, and rockerz cows.
      Very peaceful and no dark colors
      200 kinzcash plz
      Thx in advance!

      hey welcome back!

      sparkly pink bow
      blue t-shirt ( blue and pink look nice on canarys)
      blue green kilt
      flip flops

      Total- 170 kc

      hope you like it com again soon!

    3. #666056


      Hey I’m back in need of a new outfit! Info….

      Name is yellow jacket.
      Lil ‘canary.
      Curious, kind, brave and smart.
      wants to help goober when she grows up.
      Likes blueberry cheesecakes, doll houses, rhinos, and rockerz cows.
      Very peaceful and no dark colors
      200 kinzcash plz
      Thx in advance!

    4. #665971


      Bostonterriersrule wrote on 2012-09-13 at 04:24 PM

      acw2007 wrote on 2012-09-12 at 09:31 PM

      Bostonterriersrule wrote on 2012-09-12 at 04:29 PM

      PeacePuppy04 wrote on 2012-09-12 at 04:02 PM
      Emerald Lab
      Green, Purple, Blues

      spring fedora
      moonberry dress
      Ruffled sequin sandles
      Moonberry dress= Purple pajama top + Plaid Buckle Cap+ Smocked Sundress

      WOW! That’s one big budget!
      acw2007 :)

      acw i seriously suggest you use a moonberry dress for your pet it is adorable!

      Oh my goodness! I just tried the moonberry dress on my white terrier. You’re right, that is SO CUTE!
      ~acw2007 :)

    5. #665625

      acw2007 wrote on 2012-09-12 at 09:31 PM

      Bostonterriersrule wrote on 2012-09-12 at 04:29 PM

      PeacePuppy04 wrote on 2012-09-12 at 04:02 PM
      Emerald Lab
      Green, Purple, Blues

      spring fedora
      moonberry dress
      Ruffled sequin sandles
      Moonberry dress= Purple pajama top + Plaid Buckle Cap+ Smocked Sundress

      WOW! That’s one big budget!
      acw2007 :)

      acw i seriously suggest you use a moonberry dress for your pet it is adorable!

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