Food and donut seeds :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Food and donut seeds :)

This topic contains 14 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  janeneongreen 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #755247

    If you have food or donut seeds plmk if you do thanks! :D

    1. #755691


      Um I have 9 kinz so i have 9 psfs and Ive collected a couple more from friends.

      • #756036

        Hi abi, any of them :) and, were you the one that had the Doug the dog plush toy? :) or was that someone else I will have to check. Sincerely, girls rule

    2. #755626

      I have Hummingbird, Shark, Grey Arabian Horse, Badger, Grey Tabby Cat, Husky, Frog, Pinto, and Golden Retriever PSFs. Let me know if you need any of these. I will be happy to send them to you.

      • #756035

        Can I have the humming bird do you want the boxers psfs? :)

        • #756785

          You can send it if you want to. I’ll send the PSF tommorow. I’ll send you a friend request from spikeythornedroses.

    3. #755469

      I’m not on right now though will be on Prob tonight

    4. #755439


      Hi girlsrule, which account can I send to. I read you can’t get on one of your accounts, so LMK, DF

    5. #755380


      I have plenty of PSFs. My UN is abislu1

      • #755456

        I will add you :)

      • #755522


        Can you send me some donut seeds pretty please? You rock!

      • #755563


        I know we are friends but I get confused on here sometimes. What is a PSI and a PSF- I don’t kow and I feel kinda dumb…thanks for letting me know! I think maybe other people who read this stuff may not know either…and any deluxe seeds I would like-my garden is one of my favorite things to do

        • #755794

          PSI – Pet Specific Item, PSF – Pet Specific Food. They are the item and food that comes special with a webkinz when you adopt them.

          • #756037

            Hi momofredheadboys, good to talk to you again! :) sorry, I haven’t heard from you in awhile just wanted to say hi :) I also sent you a friend request on ww my un is gracie10294 that was me please reply if you got it yet thanks! Bye, sincerely, girls rule

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