Free Farm Fresh Food!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Free Farm Fresh Food!!!

This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  hklover628 11 years, 4 months ago.

  • Author
  • #827302

    Friend me to get some farm fresh food for free

    1. #827455


      I am in a challenge and I need 3 farm fresh cabbages. If you would have any extras, I would be very happy to get some. My username is ChipmunkK98. Thanks! -birdseye-

      • #827882

        Hello, I tried to send you the cabbages, but the thing is, free members can’t send or receive gifts in kinzpost, or trade. ): Really unfair. But, that is why i spent money on Deluxe!

    2. #827421

      I am boxcarchild and I need 5 farm fresh watermelons

    3. #827419

      Congrats to hklover628, you’ve won a rare farm fresh sweet sushi!

      • #828971


        Thanks btw where did u get it from?

    4. #827401


      I’m hklover628 friend me I’ll take any watermelons u have

    5. #827408

      You will get:
      5 cabbage
      5 carrots
      2 corn
      2 tomatoes
      2 strawberries
      1 pumpkin
      and 3 lucky ones will get a Farm Fresh Sweet Sushi

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