Free Items From Mom

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Free Items From Mom

This topic contains 335 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  True2MyWord1 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #788030

    Boris’ Pickaxe
    Nafaria Plush
    Galactic View Screen
    Conch Shell
    Zangoz Chocolate Fountain
    Inflatable Palm Tree
    Below Decks Wallpaper
    Sweets and Treats Wallpaper
    Cave Down Arrow Sign
    Wacky Clay Sculpture
    Showman Snowman
    Classic Game Flooring
    Rocket Ship Flooring
    Kinzcash Side Table
    Victorian Garden Stone End Path
    Victorian Garden Stone Straight Path
    True Fan Soccer Wallpaper
    Bloomin’ Room Theme items
    Super Fan Theme Items
    Umbrella Hat
    Balloon Darts Zip Up Hoodie
    Charmed Mushroom Hat
    Purple Road Trip Hat
    Purple Road Trip Shirt
    Dark Shades
    Googly Goggles
    Despicably Blue Jeans
    Unicycle Helmet
    Sensational Summer Shades
    Fred Rovers Blazer
    Tropical Board Shorts
    Purple Flip Flops
    Island Shirt
    Undersea Dress
    Bright Vest and Shirt
    Charm Fairy Leggings
    Rocky Candy
    Fools Gold Chocolate
    Rocky Road Ice Cream
    Nafaria Cookie
    Summer Cupcake
    Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cone
    Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cone
    Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Cone
    Giant Tub of Popcorn
    Summer Fun House Party Pack
    Beach Party Room Pack
    If we are not friends already, please leave your WW UN if it is different than here.

    1. #807440


      “MOM” DF sent me fairy clothing!! DF – Thank -you, so much, for the fairy garments; they are are so enchanting. You are very kind and generous, and it was nice to meet you in the collectors’ room. It does not matter about the lilypads wallpaper! It was just so disappointing, because that wallpaper is my favorite one, and got the frogs because of the paper! Wouldn’t you know, I didn’t have a single one, and then it disappeared, that very day!!! Did not mean to appear to be having a moan! You do not need to send me another thing; you have already been so kind! Sweet, sweet webkinz friends. Sorry, “MOM”, about using your thread to jabber to someone else!

      • #808453


        i’ll have some after the 28th when i change the paper in one of my froggy rooms. if you can friend me, i’ll send it to you.

        • #811057

          jami912, just saw your post; hope you see this! Thanks, for the offer, and I’ll accept! :) I think we are already friends on this acct., but if not, UN is Charlestonian. I’ll FR if we aren’t. Thanks again

    2. #807107


      Hi Mom, I would love the despicable me promo items if they are still left. Thanks, User: VLH123

    3. #806945


      hi my user is zoeyelmo I was wondering if you could send me fred rover blazer

      • #807405

        Hi zoeyelmo. Sorry I do not have any more of the blazers. My new free clothing list is on page 18, if you want to see if there is something else you would like. ~MORHB~

    4. #806886


      Hi ~MOM~ I think DF sent me some fairy items, but would love Sparkling Gem Belt, CampKinz T- Shirt, and/or Magical Forest Top Hat!! Thank – You, Thank – You! noonesfriend

      • #807275


        Hi NOF, I am almost done, just need to send the green tights and T shirts plus den dress. I get bogged down with all that fairy stuff, so thanks for talking some. My fave room is the fairy room, it has all the fairy furniture that took me years to win. I also have extra Nafaria prizes if you need those, because I never sell my stars. LOL See ya in WW DF

        • #807987


          DF- thanks for the movie screen- had to rearrange the entire room due to the door- ugh! Now I know what ya’ll are talking about! Wanted to see if you had an extra pair of those purply sparkle slippers from the bad fairy- all the pets have some sort of clothing on now but shoes are in shortage- been purchasing things on sale at outlet but the normal shoes are not so cute:) Thanks as always-cutie135 #solvetheneontutu

    5. #806868


      I would love the despicable me promo items if they are still left. Thanks…User: VLH123

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