Free Items From Mom

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Free Items From Mom

This topic contains 335 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  True2MyWord1 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #788030

    Boris’ Pickaxe
    Nafaria Plush
    Galactic View Screen
    Conch Shell
    Zangoz Chocolate Fountain
    Inflatable Palm Tree
    Below Decks Wallpaper
    Sweets and Treats Wallpaper
    Cave Down Arrow Sign
    Wacky Clay Sculpture
    Showman Snowman
    Classic Game Flooring
    Rocket Ship Flooring
    Kinzcash Side Table
    Victorian Garden Stone End Path
    Victorian Garden Stone Straight Path
    True Fan Soccer Wallpaper
    Bloomin’ Room Theme items
    Super Fan Theme Items
    Umbrella Hat
    Balloon Darts Zip Up Hoodie
    Charmed Mushroom Hat
    Purple Road Trip Hat
    Purple Road Trip Shirt
    Dark Shades
    Googly Goggles
    Despicably Blue Jeans
    Unicycle Helmet
    Sensational Summer Shades
    Fred Rovers Blazer
    Tropical Board Shorts
    Purple Flip Flops
    Island Shirt
    Undersea Dress
    Bright Vest and Shirt
    Charm Fairy Leggings
    Rocky Candy
    Fools Gold Chocolate
    Rocky Road Ice Cream
    Nafaria Cookie
    Summer Cupcake
    Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cone
    Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cone
    Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Cone
    Giant Tub of Popcorn
    Summer Fun House Party Pack
    Beach Party Room Pack
    If we are not friends already, please leave your WW UN if it is different than here.

    1. #809909

      More Free Items:
      Moonberry Marmalade Machine (Completed building kit)
      Crystal Falls (Completed building kit)
      Homemade Hot Air Balloon (Completed building kit)
      Wacky Clay Sculpture (Completed building kit)
      Showman Snowman (Completed building kit)
      Rocket Ship Wallpaper and Flooring
      Sweets n’ Treats Wallpaper and Flooring
      Space Wallpaper and Flooring
      Pyramid Wallpaper
      Basketball Dreams Wallpaper and Hardcourt Flooring
      Below Decks Wallpaper and Captain Quarters Flooring
      Blooming Room Theme
      True Soccer Fan Wallpaper and Soccer Field Flooring
      Classic Gaming Room Wallpaper and Flooring
      Beautiful Game Flooring
      Winter Wonderland Theme
      Manic Magic Audience Chairs
      Thinking Chair
      Shoreline Side Table (Vacation Island)
      Fast Food Recycling Station
      Sailor’s Shipping Crate (Vacation Island)
      Island Bunny Bobblehead (VI)
      Compass Side Table (Vacation Island)
      Anchor Side Arrow (Adventure Park dig prize)
      Cave Down Arrow Sign (AP Dig Prize)
      Colorful Stones (AP dig prize)
      Purple Dust Cluster (AP dig prize)
      Inflatable Palm Tree (Vacation Island)
      Pink Crystal Flowers (AP dig prize)
      Blue Crystal Rock Cluster (AP dig prize)
      Wild Mushroom (AP dig prize)
      Model Sub (Vacation Island)
      Sparky Bobblehead (AP dig prize)
      Cowabelle Bobblehead (AP dig prize)
      Ms. Birdy Plush
      Quizzy Plush
      Raziel Plush (AP dig prize)
      Zangoz Plush Toy
      Tabby Von Meow Plush
      Blue Crystal Paperweight (AP dig prize)
      Solid Gold Record
      Conch Shell (Vacation Island)
      Weathered Wall Anchor (Vacation Island)
      Leo Symbol Wall Decoration
      Fire Protection Helmet Display (AP dig prize)
      Doggie Green Crystal Cave Painting (AP dig prize)
      Elf Patrol Communicator
      Elf Patrol Backpack
      High Tech Stocking Stuffer
      Elf Training Kit
      Decorative Microphone
      Spicy Inferno Peppers (AP dig prize)
      Boris Pickaxe (AP dig prize)
      Red Flower (AP dig prize)
      Wacky Hot Air Balloon
      Train Station Luggage Trolley
      Webkinz News Newspaper Box
      Rice Paper Divider
      Big City Bus Stop (Spree)
      Big City Street Lamp (Spree)
      Football Room Divider
      Football Banner
      Sapphire Lamp
      Blue Zircon Lamp
      Garnet Lamp
      Aquamarine Lamp
      Diamond Lamp
      Emerald Lamp
      Amethyst Lamp
      Peridot Lamp
      Nafaria House Candelabra
      Alyssa House Candelabra
      Alex Kinz Plush
      Cowabelle Kinz Plush
      Sweetheat Tart Poster
      Pop Art Carrot
      Sparkling Gem Poster
      Deluxe Clock
      Pumpkin Centerpiece
      Peaceful Meadow Window
      Ship in a Bottle (VI)
      Soccer Pennant
      Pink Rock Cluster
      Purple Rock Cluster
      Pirate Ship Cave Painting

      • #809953

        Hey again MORHB! Sorry to bother you again, but as I took a look at the list above, I saw the gem lamps, and I’m trying to collect some of them. The ones I need, if you would be able to spare them, would be the diamond gem lamp, amethyst gem lamp, blue zircon and sapphire. It’s alright if you can’t send them, though. I appreciate what you’ve done for me and my friends already! Thanks! ~Mel~

        • #809960


          Hey mom, I would love love love that wild mushroom! If it is available! And happen to have any winter wonderland flooring? I can’t believe they retired that theme . . . . . . thanks for everything! Your friend MarshmallowRabbit

          • #809980


            Hey mom. Thanks for the foods, they’re really cute! Can I please have the sweetheart tart poster? Thanks, Lamb

          • #809979


            Hey mom. Thanks for the foods, they’re really cute! Can I please have the sweetheart tart poster? Thanks, Lamb

          • #810119


            friend me and i will send you the flooring and wallpaper.

          • #810189

            @ Cosmosia – I will send you the mushroom and flooring. They haven’t officially “retired” the winter wonderland theme. They just made it seasonal. So it should be back for the winter. I just wonder if it will be available to everyone or deluxe only. ~MORHB~

            • #811310


              Many thanks! Glad to hear winter theme isn’t gone forever. I’m wondering the same thing . . .

        • #810190

          I will send the lamps. Enjoy! ~MORHB~

    2. #809658


      Thank you so much. When my daughter opened the package you sent her she started planning about when to have a party. She loves them. Thank you again.

    3. #809644


      Thx so much for the super fan items, i’ll get started on the room tomorrow. is there something that you would like me to get for you?

      • #809954

        No, not looking for anything at the moment. Thanks for asking though. ~MORHB~

    4. #808982


      May i have the woodland tiara, yellow v-neck shirt and white beach pants? I don’t know if i’ve already asked for something.. but this would be so great for my daughter to have!

      • #809616

        It will take a couple days to get everything to you. Just want to make sure your WW UN is the same as here. ~MORHB~

    5. #808637

      Hi can I get kinzcash side table and the zangoz chocolate fountain.

      • #809615

        Sorry I don’t have any more of either of those. ~MORHB~

        • #809923

          I do have a side table. I sent a friend request to you at the same name as here on WKN. Let me know if your WW UN is different so I can get the table to you. ~MORHB~

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