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This topic contains 70 replies, has 30 voices, and was last updated by chillylily 11 years, 4 months ago.
August 22, 2013 at 5:24 pm #805663
Hey there :D ! Do you want FREE rare produce but you don’t have the seeds for them? I have a few RARE seeds and I want to share the produce from them with you :) ! Here are all the seeds I have: 3 Marshmallow seeds, 1 Lollipop seed, 2 Sushi seeds, 1 Candy Cane seed, and one Banana Split seed! Just tell me if you want a Banana Split, Sushi, Lollipop,etc. and once the plant has produced I will send you the produce(you will NOT get the seeds, just the produce from them. and i am not willing to trade the seeds), but you HAVE to tell me your WW UN! My UN is friend2day. NOTE: Please try not to ask for too many because there will be other people(hopefully) who will want some too. It may also take some time to grow them for you so please be patient.~Shrrgnien
August 26, 2013 at 2:12 pm #807433
@LambTyler, Yes, I collect PSF mostly but I do like to collect Holiday foods too(so excited for Halloween :) ) and other foods too. @Crystalgem, I will send you your Banana Split right away! @Elizabeh, I just got the Candy Cane plant a little while ago so I am still waiting for it to produce, but once it has I will send it to you. The plant you were asking about is called ‘Ossily Seeds’ and they are PSI but I think the pet they come with is retired. I don’t think I know anyone who has them. @cuddlyfur1, you will get the marshmallow but you’ll have to wait a little longer for the banana split.#SolveTheNeonTutu
August 23, 2013 at 3:21 pm #806897
i would like a banana split and marshmallow, chilly lily. i am already friends with you
August 23, 2013 at 3:18 pm #806884
Hi Lily, what a generous thing to do! So kind. :) I would love however many candy canes you are willing to send me. I have a caramel apple plant, that produces one at a time, (can’t remember how often!) I will send you some! BTW, do you know anyone who has the plant that produces bones? I would LOVE some for my dogs only account. Thanks, again. Will wait patiently!!
August 24, 2013 at 4:52 pm #807402
Elizabeth, I have the ossily bone plant. I will be happy to send you one. What is your UN?
August 26, 2013 at 4:43 pm #807839
Hi Janeneongreen (jane ok?) Thank you for offering bones(!) (sounds macabre, doesn’t it?!) Someone, I suspect it was Lily, sent one and kind Crissie sent me THREE! (thanks, crissie) You do not have to send me one, but if you want to trade for something, I’d be happy to. I have marsmallow, sushi, donought, and caramel apple, courtesy of other kind friends. Would you like any of those? Next apple goes to Lily, if she wants it, and something to Crissie, but you can have the next! PLMK Thanks, Jane and user name for that account (dogs) is Charlestonian. BTW, a question – I plan to feed these to bones to my pets; they aren’t pet specific, are they? The plant or seeds are a PSI, right? Does that matter?
August 28, 2013 at 4:56 pm #808539
Elizabeth, I sent you a bone, I think it went to your noonesfriend acount though. A carmel apple would be nice if you don’t mind. The pets don’t mind the food, I guess because it’s grown instead of bought from the W-shop. The seeds are a retired psi, from the webkinz collie. If you want, I can send another bone to Charelstonian. (my UN is spikeythornedroses(oh, and Jane is fine))
August 23, 2013 at 3:11 pm #806873
Hi! I would like 1 Banana Split produce if you have. My user on Webkinz is Crystalgem47, same as here. Thanks! :)
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