FREE Rare Produce Here!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives FREE Rare Produce Here!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 30 voices, and was last updated by  chillylily 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #805663


    Hey there :D ! Do you want FREE rare produce but you don’t have the seeds for them? I have a few RARE seeds and I want to share the produce from them with you :) ! Here are all the seeds I have: 3 Marshmallow seeds, 1 Lollipop seed, 2 Sushi seeds, 1 Candy Cane seed, and one Banana Split seed! Just tell me if you want a Banana Split, Sushi, Lollipop,etc. and once the plant has produced I will send you the produce(you will NOT get the seeds, just the produce from them. and i am not willing to trade the seeds), but you HAVE to tell me your WW UN! My UN is friend2day. NOTE: Please try not to ask for too many because there will be other people(hopefully) who will want some too. It may also take some time to grow them for you so please be patient.~Shrrgnien

    1. #822332


      @desirearh, I’m sorry. I’m not giving or trading any seeds. However, if you would like me to send you some lollipop produce I would be very happy to. I’m sorry.

    2. #821836


      Can I Have The Lollipop Seed Please! I Want To Give It To My Sister For Her Birthday. Thanks ~Desiree~#Bounty-Hunter

    3. #821835


      Can I Have The Lollipop Seed PLEASE I Need It Badly, My Sister LOVE’S The Lollipop Seed’s So I Want To Give It To Her For Her Birthday. My User Is Desiree-Rh. Thanks ~Desiree~#Bounty-Hunter

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