Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives FULL VAMPIRESS FOR TRADE!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  Hannah412 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #678643


    1JuicyCouture1 wrote on 2012-11-02 at 05:35 PM

    I need Melody hat and Plumpy. PLMK if u want to trade.

    I dont have melody hat but I have plumpy and I can add a sparkling pegasus bed (level 10 golden chariot bed) and estore points too if needed :P


    1. #678860


      friendly1 wrote on 2012-11-03 at 04:07 PM

      1JuicyCouture1 wrote on 2012-11-03 at 03:35 PM

      friendly1 wrote on 2012-11-03 at 03:08 PM
      You added me now, when do you want to trade?

      Sorry i am making you wait so much, is it alright if we finished this on monday maybe at night? I had a late notice of visiting my family tonight and most of tomorrow. Sorry if i don’t respond back, but i will be back on WW+WKN by monday (probs anytime from 5-7:30 depending on what happens)
      Again, so sorry and hope to still trade w/ u. thx :)
      hannah- sorry but i am doing the trade with friendly1, they responded first. But maybe we can do another trade 4 sumthin else sometime.

      I was trying to help my friend Chloe, she will do the trade Monday night, OK. I believe you have added her at Clo92. Hopefully you can both finish it then, I will get her items back to her now, thanks.

      Just so you are not confused, Chloe is dogfish here, she posted a few times here and had to go somewhere so I was filling in for her okay, It was the same thing the first day I posted and I think I explained that my friend is making this offer. Thanks for understanding and hopefully you both get your items on Monday night.


    2. #678858


      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-11-03 at 11:19 AM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-11-03 at 11:03 AM

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-11-03 at 10:26 AM

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-11-03 at 09:46 AM

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-11-02 at 11:11 PM
      NB- just wondering, when are you going to send the estore points? i sent the costume a few hours ago…

      I fell asleep last night (early lol) lap top in lap tv’s and lights still on till 20 after 5 this morning LOL I will post points asap :P Sorry I have been a bit under the weather and was (apparently lol) really tired :P

      Alright, lol. Just wondering. Hope you’re better now!

      LOL I would so wonder too lol! It is 11 kinz time, I will be logging in within the next 30 minutes and posting your points, I will leave another post when I have sent them as long as it posts lolz :P

      Posted the points (sooner than I thought LOL) to FluffySilly713 :P Thank you for the trade, I am so happy I finally get a gift for a friend lol.

      NB are we still trading the PSIs and sombrero? LMK and I’ll send them to you. (:

    3. #678857


      Here is a list of all the items I have for trade. LMK if you are interested!
      Full ketchup outfit (promo)
      Poncho’s sombrero
      Plumpy’s glasses
      Rockerz shoes
      Lucky leprechaun outfit
      Monster’s den
      AND A LOT MORE!!!!!!

      BTW: I need melody and more priceless clothing for these items. THXX!

    4. #678856


      1JuicyCouture1 wrote on 2012-11-03 at 03:35 PM

      friendly1 wrote on 2012-11-03 at 03:08 PM
      You added me now, when do you want to trade?

      Sorry i am making you wait so much, is it alright if we finished this on monday maybe at night? I had a late notice of visiting my family tonight and most of tomorrow. Sorry if i don’t respond back, but i will be back on WW+WKN by monday (probs anytime from 5-7:30 depending on what happens)
      Again, so sorry and hope to still trade w/ u. thx :)
      hannah- sorry but i am doing the trade with friendly1, they responded first. But maybe we can do another trade 4 sumthin else sometime.

      I was trying to help my friend Chloe, she will do the trade Monday night, OK. I believe you have added her at Clo92. Hopefully you can both finish it then, I will get her items back to her now, thanks.


    5. #678851

      friendly1 wrote on 2012-11-03 at 03:08 PM

      You added me now, when do you want to trade?

      Sorry i am making you wait so much, is it alright if we finished this on monday maybe at night? I had a late notice of visiting my family tonight and most of tomorrow. Sorry if i don’t respond back, but i will be back on WW+WKN by monday (probs anytime from 5-7:30 depending on what happens)
      Again, so sorry and hope to still trade w/ u. thx :)

      hannah- sorry but i am doing the trade with friendly1, they responded first. But maybe we can do another trade 4 sumthin else sometime.

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