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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by chillylily 11 years, 6 months ago.
April 16, 2013 at 4:02 pm #738503
Persephone is a Mythology goddess. She was the Greek Goddess of the Underwolrd. Gaspacho is actually a type of soup!!
August 28, 2013 at 4:56 pm #808543
It’s true Persephone is the Greek Goddess of the Underworld but I want to tell how she became that(I’m really into Greek Mythology). One day Persephone was walking though a garden with her mom, Demeter, when all of a sudden the earth opened up around Persephone and she vanished into the Underworld. Demeter demanded that Zeus get her back. Zeus said he would get her back as long as Persephone hadn’t eaten any food from the Underworld. When they got to Persephone they asked her if she’d eaten anything there and she told them that she had eaten only six pomegranate seeds. Zeus decided that since she had eaten only six pomegranate seeds she would have to spend six months out of every twelve months with Hades in the Underworld. While Persephone spends her six months in the Underworld, Dememter is extremely depressed and thats why all the leaves die and snow comes and everything dies, but when Persephone’s time is up she rejoices and then flowers bloom and new life comes. These are just myths that were made up a long time ago to explain nature since they didn’t have science then.#SolveTheNeonTutu
May 2, 2013 at 4:34 pm #755156
This is a great idea… as soon as I think of something worthy/appropriate I will definitely post! :)
April 26, 2013 at 4:59 pm #753590
there is in fact a difference between zingoz and zangoz. Zingoz and Zangoz are adventurous characters that appear in games such as Wacky’s Bullseye Batter and Zacky’s Quest. But what exactly are these small, colorful creatures? Well, they are both originally from the Oz species and are unlike any other animal in Webkinz World. The main difference between them are their size and color. Zingoz are small with a pear-shaped head, while Zangoz are bigger, burlier, and a little goofy looking. Don’t let their odd expressions fool you though, Zangoz are smart creatures when they put their minds to it. Zingoz are also typically more cheerful, with a bubbly personality and a big smile that can’t be whipped from off their faces! They are usually yellow or blue, while Zangoz pretty much always seem to be the color orange. A clothing machine recipe secret; Ever wonder what it is that makes the magic inside the Clothing Machine? Well, there is no real magic behind it! The clothing machine is just a machine. In the same way that your microwave is just a machine that heats without fire, the Clothing Machine cranks out fashionable skirts, pants, dresses, shoes, hats, etc. from out of thin air…
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