GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #872892


      please help! my mom didn’t know what a username was and I tried to tell her that I wanted my ganzworld account username to be clearcat9 but my mom said that the only thing she would remember was her name! and now I’m stuck with ”kristenS” for a username!!!!! my mom didn’t know that this was going to be my name for posting comments ! and even worse, on my birthday, I thought that there was going to be a special event but it turned out to be nothing! but on my mom’s birthday when I logged on to webkinz it said ” happy birthday! in your dock, you will find a special wish token made just for you!” and I found out that all my adoption certificates say ” congradulations on Kristen for the adoption of a girl tuxedo cat ” I realy want to change this!

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      • #872965

        Hey there! Can you please email and ask them to change your username/birthday? Give them your current name and an explanation and they’ll get back to you within a few days. Thanks!

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        • #877011


          Webkinz, My phone when I turn it on it says gold and wont let me enter the clubhouse. Plz tell me whats going on:) Thank you! XOXOGracieXOXO

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          • #885080


            I have the same problem! But sorry I don’t know how to fix it eather.

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          • #910308


            just log out and back in go directly to club house it should work, however if you go to park first it wont let you get into clubhouse. kinzchat phone has never worked correctly for us in 6+ years.

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            • #1099389


              Honestly I have tried and tried and I can’t invite any of my webkinz friends over to my house. Please help.

          • #911348

            Same thing here! That’s when I can actually get on Webkinz and stay there! I keep getting booted out! I just got a Deluxe account, and have problems all the time! What is going on with Webkinz? Too many advertisements to keep the actual playing board open? This has been going on for months, please fix this! (and no, it is not my computer, I tried logging on at the public library even!!!) Please help, I am just about ready to give up on Webkinz all together! (from crying all the time!)

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            • #955360


              I have the same problem. Gardening is bad as I must relog back in at least 5 times before finishing. Game just freezes or boots me out. Very frustrating.

            • #966893


              I know we are told to clear the cache and update the flash player, But we also have to update (or make sure we are using the correct version) of Shockwave. Go to and download shockwave player the same as you would the flash player. Also, there are two flash players. The one most people downloand is the one that works with almost everything. If you are using Google Chrome, it uses a different one. Google: “which version of Flash player does Google Chrome use” Write it down and the do a search for it on…then download. Also, as a deluxe member, you can now shut off the ads. This helps a lot. I have lots of issues on my non-deluxe accts. I also have my browser set to automatically clear the cash (make sure you set this to include temp files and website images.) upon closing the browser. Hope this helps. I noticed no one mentioned shockwave when all of the instructions about the new webkinz came out. Of course, this doesn’t everything. But if you do it, all other problems are from the webkinz side of things.

        • #1104309


          I lost my old account information and it won’t let me send a email to my mom to get a new password when will this be fixed?

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        • #2457157


          Hello, I have been a user for many years, but I have not entered the Webkinz world for a year, now I am trying to enter but my user appears as if it does not exist and that no account is associated

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      • #873909


        oh no sorry about that just do it your self then

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        • #911643


          looking for answers…any one else seeing the pets in 0 pink… feed it and it becomes green and healthy ???/

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      • #2471121


        My July Peek a Newz Challenge box will not drag into any room in my account. This has never happened. I tried different rooms and even different pets. I have 3 now sitting in my dock. What can I do?

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    2. #872914


      I have a question regarding Webkinz friends app and I’m not sure where to ask it so I’m going to ask it here. I am trying to build baskets and it says that I need 3 seed packets but I can’t figure out how to get them. You can’t ask neighbors for them and you can’t buy them and I looked through all of the collections and they aren’t in there anywhere. Please help. Thanks.

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      • #874922

        nikkibing – You get seed packs from the florist shop.

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        • #875554


          Omg thank you! I would’ve spent forever looking for them. Unfortunately the florist is still locked for me but at least I know what I need!

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    3. #872696


      I think ganz should make there be no limit to how many moneyz can be won a day on Ganzworld. I mean, it’s a little frustrating to be on here, and to be saving up fr something, like I am, and then, to not be able to get any more money once I earned a certain amount! Please change that. :)

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      • #872907

        I agree with you prprprprp. I don’t care for any of the prizes that are available for purchase in WKN and would like for any k.c. won to go right back to our WW accounts. As for paying 2000 k.c. to send 200 k.c., that is down right ridiculous. jennifer

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        • #873205


          I think 200 kinzcash should cost 500 monyez

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          • #873932


            Yes, I agree, naamster and jenniferrobby3! And I am glad that you agree! (last part was to the latter)

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        • #873970


          yeah I agree I mean why does there have to be a limit????

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          • #879512


            Well, if there wasn’t a limit, you could conceivably buy every item in the shop by simply staying on the site all day and clicking random links (since clicking an internal link automatically gives you 1 Moneyz). However, I’m pretty sure that GANZ doesn’t want to promote staying on the computer all day, so they put a limit to reduce screen time (because there’s not a lot of other reasons to be staying on after you’ve claimed your full reward).

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            • #879967


              Um, I don’t stay on just for the reward. I stay on as long as I have something to do and then when I’m done I get off, whether I got my full reward or not. :)

            • #879979


              What I’m saying is that by putting a limit, they aren’t encouraging you to stay on. You can stay on by choice, but there won’t be any benefits (which means that you can go do something else without missing out). Sorry for the misunderstanding!

            • #880862


              Can Ganz world write back to us if we sent them a letter?

            • #900165


              I have over 130.000 $ I hate the prizes I have all of them I want to transfere this cash into my weaken account

      • #897061


        i’m saving up for over 10,000 moneyz because of what items I want

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    4. #872756

      Hi Gennelle, Why does it take so long for the host to pop up in P-A-N? It just took me 90 minutes to find Elwin for the 10 accounts that I manage. ( No, not all of them are mine, only 3 ) TY Jennifer

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      • #872964

        Hi there! It’s completely randomized so some folks will get the host really quickly and others a while longer. Sorry I can’t be of more help!

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      • #879767


        hi guys! what is a P-A-N ?well bye!

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        • #885026


          P-A-N probably means Peek A Newz.

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    5. #872588

      Welcome to the Webkinz Newz and GanzWorld forum!

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      • #872682


        I got a question about the forums! What do all the tags mean? Is it something complicated? Just wondering!

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        • #876969

          Hey 1a2s3d4! I know this is sort of a late reply, but the tags aren’t really anything complicated. I think they’re just so people can easily find a certain topic. Like if you did a tag that was “clothing recipes” people could click that tag and it would show other articles with that tag. At least I think. It’s up to you whether you want to use them or not. I usually just ignore it. Hope this helped! ~*JaneOfAllTrads*~

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          • #882107


            Hey, I have a question: I drew a picture on my computer and tried to upload it to the Share Center, but it hasn’t been approved. It’s been WEEKS now! It wasn’t inapropriate or rude in any way! Why hasn’t it been approved? And also, It had a pet in it that I haven’t logged on yet, Orion, the Signature African Wild Dog. Would that be a reason for it not to get approved?

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            • #882205


              i don’t know; I’ve been having problems with Share Center, too. I’ve put up a lot of fanart there, and I’ve gotten emails that they’ve been approved, but none of them have actually been submitted (I can’t even find them on my profile). I think it’s because so many people submit pictures that they can’t keep up, but I don’t know. I don’t think your picture was inappropriate in any way, though, so you probably don’t have to worry about that/

            • #882489


              Yeah. It was so stinking CUTE! I wish it was approved. Sore wa hontoni, hontoni kawaidatta! :3

            • #911696


              There could be many reasons why it wasn’t approved. Was the pet doing anything? That could have been a reason. Was there any words in the picture? Because that would be a reason also. If the picture still isn’t approved, here’s another reason. Maybe a lot of people were trying to upload pictures. They could have just not gotten to yours yet. Hope this helps! =) ;)

        • #903228


          Hey Gennelle, I just renewed my year membership but I didn’t get my guinea pig, is there a way I can still get that?

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          • #904177

            how do you get into webkinz world I cant even go to my house anymore

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          • #911564

            I cant seem to ask a question Plz help!

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        • #912859


          me to what do they mean and does any one answer our questions anyway

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          • #949999


            I am trying to get an answer as to why most of my rooms still have items missing, floating, or blank squares. Webkinz X has ruined Webkinz. I have spent so m,uch money for Deluxe and estore items, now I can’t even go to a room and find my things. I can’t begin to tell you how frustrating this is for me. That is my main thing to do in Webkinz world is create cool rooms. Now that’s gone and no one will reply to any of my emails except with an automated message that millions of others get too. I hope someone will explain this. I have tried every way to get an answer.

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            • #955380


              Myshaow2010, I know how you feel! I can’t do anything in te game. It keeps freezing up or I t a blank page in the middle of trying to do something. Webkinz is not fun anymore :(

            • #962362


              This is more of the same, but I am so frustrated I have to vent some place. This weekend was the Black Friday sale at the estore. As a holiday tradition my sister calls at 6:30am and we start our shopping together. We each spend around $100 getting all the things we have saved up for throughout the year. Today I started loading a few items and the first 4 I loaded, nothing works. 2 out of the 4 don’t even show up. I have been so patient with the Webkinz X change, but I’ve hit my limit. Why put items up for sale that are still broken? Would you go the stores and buy an item if you knew it was broken? I would have been so devastated if I had bought items for my grandchildren or nieces, gave them the gift for Christmas, only to find it didn’t work when they loaded it. Something has to be done to get these items working. Enough is enough. Okay I’m done with my ranting. On a happy note-Merry Christmas to all!

            • #978066


              Hi…I just complained too about squares on my floors too ever since that change happened alot of the prizes we got for completing tasks dont work anymore, some of my pools my pets wont go in. I’m frustrated as well :( I’m still waiting for my pets actions to work again…grrr I hope we are heard!!! tnt3636 been a member since 2008 and spent alot of money too…

        • #916310

          HOw do I start a new topic in the forums? I’d like to see if the tutors for the Academy could come back.

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      • #872895


        Thank you for the welcome to the new forum. I guess it will all be available in time, but I have been wanting to make a suggestion for a long time. I can’t seem to access the SUGGESTIONS category. I really want to see cabinets we can hang on the walls. Would it be possible? I thought that if windows, pictures, banners, etc. can be wall hung, why not kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Can this be inserted in the suggestions forum? Thank you. I LOVE LOVE the forums. Eilish

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        • #872963

          Sorry for the mixup! I’ve created a new topic under MAKE SUGGESTIONS if you want to re-comment in there, but we’ve noted your suggestion for the time being. Thanks!

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          • #910318


            Gennelle, I can’t put my rickety haunted cottage from last halloween indoors, is there a reason for that?

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          • #914101


            I bought the Secluded Garden Wall from the estore. I can’t put it anywhere, inside or outside. I don’t even get a green square when trying to put in room. I get a red square. Anybody else have this issue? I thought it would go outside since it has garden in it’s name.

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        • #903229


          That is a GREAT idea, Eilish I would love that too!

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      • #873738


        hi Gennelle, i have a question, why did ganz change the clubhouse? A lot of people loved it the way it was, you could talk with your friends and play games without people constantly asking you to trade, and now people get mad at you if you don’t want to trade. I mean, having the park is nice but you can’t find your friends. thanks! ~LesMisLover p.s. can I friend you on Webkinz?

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        • #875714

          Hi there! They decided to take away KinzChat in rooms other than the Trading Room because it was being underused, according to our numbers. I know a lot of people DID use it, but that was a small percentage of our entire player base. In order to speed up loading, they decided to keep it in the Trading Room and in the Kinzville Park so that you could still chat with your friends if you wanted to. Hope that helps!

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          • #875903

            I know a lot of people said a lot of mean stuff to my friend in the Girls Rule Room. Maybe it was a good thing they took it away.

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          • #877897


            could ganz maybe at least add the “find your friends”button to the park and trading room?

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          • #880265


            Gennelle, thats true! SOOOOO many people would just chat in the trading room and not trade.. which I think its a TRADING room not a CHATTING room anyone else noticing that?

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          • #883246


            It doesn’t load any faster for me…… In fact, I HATE it this way!!!

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          • #909973


            hi Gennelle. I’ve notices most times when my map is closed & I click on a storage container or try to take out food or clothes from a storage container it takes me to another room away from the one I want to be in. That has happened a lot lately. Not sure why. Is there anything you or someone you work with that can fix & stop that from happening? It’s really starting to get on my nerves, & very frustrating too. thanks for your help. Happy Valentine’s day.

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        • #875832


          how was the clubhouse changed?

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          • #876754


            Other than what was said above straity certain rooms disappeared and certain rooms became unavailable to free players.

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          • #878672


            Hi @straity , they mean the Kinzchat PLUS clubhouse rooms, there used to be lots, and now there is only one-the trading room. Hope I helped and cleared up any confusion! I LOVE helping webkinz members, so if anyone has any questions about anything Webkinz, just ask me! I’ll do my best to answer! :)

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            • #988843


              Thanks I don’t go to the club house that much.

          • #892098


            it doesn’t have the runway room anymore :( which is kinda lame i liked the room

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        • #1090677


          i don’t think u can friend her

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      • #875902

        Does anyone know about the Zoey’s design academy news? Please tell me anything about if you can. Thanks!

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        • #876617

          Hi maplesyruphotel! Let me guess, your comments still say awaiting moderation? Mine too! I was wondering about that and I got on ZDA and it said “Zoey’s design academey will be closing on September 10th 2014. We thank ll of our great players for testing, playing, and enjoying the game!” I guess maybe they didn’t have enough players? I’m going to miss it though! I had finally found a good, free, appropriate designing game and now it’s almost gone! Hope it come’s back someday!

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      • #878263

        I haven’t gotten my estore points yet It has been a week and I bought 3000 estore points after I got my free estore points because I am a member

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        • #904454

          you got the probably so just report the error

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        • #904455

          you got them probably so just report the error

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          • #914494


            Who do you report the error to?

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      • #878930


        Is the Webkinz App for iPad out of commission forever? Or are you just fixing it? It says down for maintenance on my I pad when I click the icon.

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      • #879045


        I’ve played webkinz since 2005 and I think it is very wrong you now have to be a deluxe member to enjoy games in the arcade that were previously free. Your company has gotten way to desperate for money from long time collectors and customers such as myself.

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        • #879247


          Yeah I’ve been playing webkinz 7 years :)

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          • #890458


            I loved the old map and today’s activities, and Deluxe accounts are really annoying. I’ve been playing for 7 or 8 years, and the company keeps changing the things that made webkinz really fun.

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          • #903226


            I totally agree stormi101, I feel really bad because my awesome Grandma pays all that money just for a year deluxe membership for me, I have a free account right now, and I can’t do anything at all with it, a bit like my iPod XD

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            • #904179


              Agreed. I have deluxe but I could not agree more with you guys.

        • #946175


          I know, I have been playing since 2009. I used to play that Pizza Palace game and I was addicted. Now, I can’t buy half the stuff at the W shop. I miss the old webkinz.

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        • #966559


          I so totally agree…. we have hundreds of webkinz and long time members (2007) should be grandfathered if we have bought so much as it is…. we still play but find items not working

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      • #880047


        What has happened to Webkinz World on IPad? It will not load and has been in this mode for well over a week. I enjoyed playing.

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      • #880717


        When will we see NEW Ganzworld rewards for Webkinz? It has been a long timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

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      • #881771


        When are they going to come out with some new items for us to buy with our Moneyz?

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        • #966560


          There isn’t much to pick from. Also – some of us long time players have all the Wish Token items offered. Please put some of the estore items in there…. time to let us pick better things. You owe us for sticking with you Webkinz World for so many years… or we may quit…. don’t want to…. but treat us long time users right.

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      • #885606


        Thanks so much. May I ask why I cannot purchase anything from Ganz World with my rewards cash? I’ve been trying for weeks and it won’t allow me to purchase “Anything”. I would like to spend some cash for a couple items please.

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      • #886569


        How do I make a haunted house room?

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      • #886568


        How do I put in a comment on ganzworld? every time I try it just cancels.

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      • #887830


        Hi Gennelle, I have a problem when i try to log into my Webkinz account. When I go to the Webkinz website and press login nothing happens. I have researched this a lot and lots of websites say to either clear my cache or try a few times to log in and it will eventually work. For me none of this is working. I hope you have any suggestions about this problem. Thanks, Spencegirl

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        • #888427


          Well spencegirl, I’ve had that exact same problem with my account. If it does that more the research is wrong. my dad taught me about technology because he’s a PhD technology professional. The prblem you are having is called freezing and whenever that happens I always x out of webkinz log off my computer log back in go to webkinz log in there then it usually works from there. So if you have any more problems than just ask me. thanks! -Jaylo

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      • #887963


        How do I stop the constant flow of emails that I am getting from my one post in the trading forum? They are clogging my inbox, and they are not related to my post. Please help!

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        • #889624


          I’ve had that problem myself a few times and I just can’t stop it. my suggestion to you is delete every email you’ve got from them and go from there. thanks! -Jaylo

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      • #888646


        I have a question. How do we log on to the Webkinz site? I can’t figure out how to log on at the picture of the election news!! I have clicked everything on the screen! ! ! help!

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      • #889004


        How on earth do I use the Forums?

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      • #889008


        I do not understand how to use these forums, and I do not seem to be able to get an answer.

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      • #891646


        excuse me but i don’t know how to play this could you please help me?????????

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      • #893263

        i was jut wondering what happened tom the signatures? no rude comments please im just wondering

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        • #904438

          They stopped making them :(

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      • #894647

        I’ve got a question where can I find the webkinz signature timber wolf for under $50

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        • #899031


          try googling it

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      • #897060


        Hey Gennelle, how do I submit to Crafty Critterz? I made a replica of a swimming pool out of an old cookie tin that I want to upload the instructions of how to make, and I also took a supercute picture of my lil’ kinz poodle Marshmallow going for a swim.

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      • #898002


        Hi. I have three pet accounts and I would like to Login to Ganzworld with each. I was able to do it years ago with your help for the one but I cannot figure out how to join with the other two accounts. I get a saying in red..You haven’t activated your account yet, please check your email and click the activation link. I would have originally tried years ago. I don’t know where the original email is. and I am not even sure what the Ganzworld username is. What should I do? Also, Does each Webkinz account need its own email address?

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      • #899215


        Hi, I really want to change my GanzWorld username. Does anyone know how I can do this? Much appreciated, Sop (at the moment)

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      • #903227


        Hey Gennelle? I just renewed my deluxe membership for a year and it didn’t give me the super cute guinea pig that I was supposed to get for my membership, is there a way I can still get that?

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      • #903805


        So i got a question, I need to change the email address for my ganz world account is that even possible?

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      • #909359


        So I know that in order to find the last chocolate for CInnamon’s chocolate cart collection, you have to visit webkinznewz. I did that, and now i have five total chocolates, including the peach one from webkinznewz. But when ever i try to visit Cinnamon to get the last chocolate I need, the wintermint chocolate, i get a message that tells me i have gotten all the chocolates i can from Cinnamon, and that i need to travel to webkinznewz to get the last one. But i have already gotten the webkinznewz one, so I am confused about what is happening. Does anyone know the problem?

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        • #909462


          Genelle, do you know why this is happening? Is there any way to fix it?

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          • #909465


            Well I guess the problem just solves itself eventually, because I ended getting all the chocolates. Yay!

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      • #909893


        I clicked on the prize of the day (purple robe, daily prize for Friday February 13) for the first time and it said campaign expired you can only click on it once a day. But it was my first time clicking on the robe???

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        • #909895


          ignore this comment

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      • #910019


        Hey, Gennelle, This is the best place thus far that I have found to ask about this issue. It seems that there is a problem with the Valentine’s Day Gift Boxes. Neither of my 2 accounts received one nor did my grandchildren’s 3 accounts nor my friends 2 accounts. I was wondering if you could have Nuts and Bolts look into the issue and get back with me. I logged into all of them today (Feb. 14, 2015) and we would be most unhappy not to have gotten our Valentine’s gifts this year. Thank you for your kind attention.

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      • #912279

        SInce you are a Key Member could you please read my question below about the Surprise Box it’s making me feel left out :-( Thank you in advance!!

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      • #914483


        Thank you for hosting this forum Gennelle. I am confused about a few things and I thought maybe you could help. I am a deluxe member but I did not get my 3000 cash nor did I get my wish token. This had happened several times (hit or miss) so I’m wondering how to fix it to get all I can from my membership. Also, when I first log on in my pets’ rooms, their care icons all show zero. After I play awhile, the hunger, health, and happiness return to what they were when I last logged out. What’s that about? Are they sick? If so, they do not show it (ice pack on head) or indicate they don’t feel well. Hmmm . . . what, a mystery? Is anyone else having the same experiences (now or in the past)? If so, what did you do to fix it? Gennelle, could you please help me? I’d gladly pay for your services (in kinzcash). Please contact me at my email address. I’d greatly appreciate it. I know you’ll come through for me because you are very knowledgable. Thanks bunches in advance! Your friend, Marie user name macs17

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        • #914485

          Hi Marie. 1) Sometimes when you’re a Deluxe Member, your monthly gifts like eStore Points and the gift box can arrive a few days late. If your membership expires the next month, you won’t receive them at all. 2) The hunger/health/happiness meters are experiencing a glitch right now but they’ll be fixed soon. No need for KinzCash, but thanks for the offer! ;)

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          • #916818


            Thank you, THanK YoU, THANK YOU! I logged in today and found a wondrous surprise. I received way more than the usual 3,000 e store points. Also, I saw I had mail and you won’t believe what an incredible gift I found. My deluxe membership is to be extended until 2016! That’s awesome! That’s the best thing that has happened to me in a year! I’m pretty sure you were a part of these great doings. So, thanks Genelle for ALL of your help!

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      • #916839


        My question is Why does Webkinz show inappropriate ads to children? Scary ads for a show named Salem or racy ads for some cyber game or ads to promote Scientology. What is this all about? I thought this was a child friendly website. Also it makes it very hard to play games in the arcade when the video ads take over and slow the computer down.

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      • #918238


        I want the blue cat and think it is an online pet only but it seems to be gone. Is there a way to get the blue cat, it was in the w shop but can’t find it. Thanks. Kels2oo7

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      • #919360

        how can I unsubscribe when I can not find the post that keeps coming to my phone…this is annoying as I can’t seem to go to another page but the one showing…it just goes back to the main news page and not the next page of the forum posts….

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      • #919405

        When can the we expect all the classes to work in the Academy…..strenght and cooking haven’t been working forever

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        • #920492


          Cooking has always worked for me. I don’t like the strength so don’t know about it. :-)

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      • #920505


        How do you search for a topic? I asked something about the Ginger Bunny and can’t even find my question, much less an answer!

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      • #921040


        whay are the webkinz dont get much as deluxe have and i cant put pet in im free i dont like it cant it any more im been a webkinz send yu now ever way cant my pet in my webkinz ever deluzeit i dont like the way put it back i cant even buy food of other think way is that please le me thank yu ed1934 country usa my code is 4pwptb3m

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      • #932572


        well the “special things didnt start to work until very late on the accounts it is after 5 am east coast time and still no decade dragon or puzzle piece on the asian time zone accounts. there seems to be the standard glitches and now with the time constraint to adopt the dragon it looks like everyone with asian accounts lose out. we have all spent a lot of money on webkinz items and so many people have said there accounts didnt work and are very disappointed yet again. such a big deal was made about how great actually the “greatest” event ever if memory serves me correctly and again nothing. with such a big deal and build up on webkinz part you would think at least someone from ganz would have been playing through the night to ensure everyone of us had a chance at the “greatest event ever” in 10 years , just saying its just to bad it still has the same glitches for so many who have put so much into and believed in webkinz. what do we tell the crying children. not even a open phone line to let you know there is a problem.

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      • #944991


        I have a question, and this is the only way I see to ask it. WHY is Webkinz playing VIDEO ADS during the tournament/arcade games? It hangs the screen, so you can’t move, your character is super slow, but the game timing continues like normal. Sometimes you can pause the video, other times you have to click on the ad to pause it, losing game time. This is a NIGHTMARE! PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE stop putting video ads on the same screens as the games! You are killing the fun!

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      • #951294


        I have spent big REAL money on this which like a whole disco, but don’t work, when or are you every going get this this fixed. I have remove a couple a very big ride now it has disappeared from my. Is this the way you are fixing things? A quick way to fix a problem. The bottom line is I will never buy another thing from the esphop until the missing items are returned and the others are fixed.

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      • #952879


        Hi.I have a question.I bought an item with eStore points and I don’t see it,but it appears at purchase history.Help.How I find it?

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      • #957895


        I cannot unlock my completed candy collection to design my jack o lantern. Please advise.

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        • #957903

          Sally Webkinz
          Key Master

          This year’s prize is a Witch’s Broom, and it’s automatically awarded to your dock when you complete your collection. Please check your dock under Furniture. If you don’t find it, please send a message to

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      • #1003956


        I think I know the reply will be. No! Are you every going to fixed the item purchased from e-store, which were animated but don’t after your big app update.

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      • #1788536

        How can we make sure there is an email accounted connected to our webkinznewz account? I have tried submitting pictures to the Sharecenter but never get emails about it.

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    6. #924669


      Some things on WW are so slow it takes me forever! I never see the bunny a ad said that you can find it but I can’t. Sometimes I will find an egg but I sometimes can’t get it. Can you understand?

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    7. #964487


      Ok, I made a free account… I spent tons of money on my old account so I probably won’t put money into this account. Thanks for the help

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    8. #964652


      no problem! enjoy your new account!

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    9. #1110724


      Correction, I have gotten some emails from here by clicking “Notify me of follow-up replies via email, but no emails saying my drawings have been accepted/declined in the Share Center.

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