GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz

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This topic contains 1,557 replies, has 628 voices, and was last updated by  Reybeam 1 month, 1 week ago.

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  • #858321

    Key Master
    1. #1150402


      Hi. I just love challenges. My friends ask me to send them bug spray, directions, bouquet of flowers. I need to know how I get to do these challenges myself.Thank You , sweetgreets4

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      • #1155958


        Passing the challenges you currently have now will help unlock new challenges! @sweetgreets4

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    2. #1148156


      I can’t get the arcade games to load. Is there any other way to make moneyz?

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      • #1148767


        Clicking on floating objects and answering poll questions helps you earn Moneyz! @libertynews

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    3. #1147130

      When i was around 7 or 8 (nearly 10 years ago ) i got my first webkinz account . I collected in there around 15 pets ,a zum and hamster..BUT i remember that i had a problem with my password back then and i couldnt enter the account. Ive came back to webkinz now with a free account (im saving money to buy another webkinz tho ) but i just really wish that there was any way to get my old account back. I do not know the username for it ,my dad made me that account and the email he used wasnt an acctual email because he didnt understand it.. the only thing i do remember is one code from one of the latest webkinzes i registered to there ,and the names of almost all of them. Is there any chance that i could send you the code and you’ll track down my old account and change me the password there or somthing so i will be able to play thete again ? It’s really important to me becaude my family spent loads of money on it ..

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    4. #1147129

      Hey uhm this is kind of an odd question but ive been lookinng lately at concept art for furniture and gift boxes on webkinz and this question is just burning in me all week long . Is there any way that one can apply to become a concept artist for webkinz ? Im soon going to an art colledge (after i’ll finish army .in my country even girls have to go to army :/ ) and ive been trying to find interesting places that id be able to work in after i get a degree. Also if you do take people for this work , do they need to be studying anything spesific ?like i can imagine that design would be importnat which is the class im planning to take there but is there anything more ?

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    5. #1147123


      big question on mays treasure hunt where is the may calender?

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