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November 3, 2015 at 9:43 am #958504
November 5, 2020 at 1:56 pm #2355885
Hey guys! I have another giveaway in stock! My UN is frozenanna2 send me the request, because I have 8 Invitations laying out. 25 Vampire Pops, Black Soccer Shorts, Campkinz Scuba Mask, 2 Campkinz Scuba Pants, 2 Classic Movie Studio Directors Berets, Cowgirl Dress, Cozy Bed, Fall Checkered Quilt Tile, Fall Fest Green Quilt Tile, 3 Fall Striped Quilt Tiles, Mad Styles Shirt, Navy Boy’s School Uniform Sweater, Navy School Long Sleeve T-Shirt, Navy School T-Shirt, 2 Party Posters, Pink Cowgirl Boots, Pink Panama Hat, 2 Purple Tams, 2 Pirate Sashes, Red Warm Toggle Jacket, Undersea Dress, 3 Unicorn Princess Tiaras, 2 Unicorn Princess Top’s, 3 Unicorn Princess Tutu’s, Webkinz Letter Blocks, Wizard Academy Robe, and Zingoz-In-A-Box. Thank you for you’re support! Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
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November 5, 2020 at 3:32 pm #2355919
Hi frozeanna2! I would love the full Unicorn Princess Costume if you have any of it left. or the Cozy Bed if not. My UN is Kiwibird25. Thank you!!
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November 9, 2020 at 9:08 am #2356161
Hey @Kiwibird25! I sent you the pieces for the Unicorn Princess Items. Enjoy!
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November 6, 2020 at 9:09 am #2355955
Hi @frozenanna2! I would love to have the 3 Fall Striped Quilt tiles :) Will send a FR from silverstar1. Thank you!
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November 9, 2020 at 9:08 am #2356163
There sent! Enjoy!!~frozenanna2
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November 6, 2020 at 2:11 pm #2356037
Hi @frozenanna2 :) Thanks for posting this great giveaway! If available, I would like the Zingoz-In-A-Box, and any two pieces of the Unicorn Princess outfit. If those aren’t available, then I would love the Cowgirl Dress! It’s okay if you no longer have these items, thank you for your generosity :) I will send a friend request from my Webkinz account, ilovepugs08 :)
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November 9, 2020 at 9:08 am #2356157
Hey @ilovepugs08! I’ll send you the Zingoz-In-A-Box Tomorrow. Until then, enjoy the tree piece Unicorn Outfit!!! I saw you’re not Deluxe, so, I sent you tree pieces of the Unicorn Outfit! Enjoy!! Remember, I’m sending you the Zingoz-In-A-Box tomorrow! ENJOY!!!!~frozenanna2. Thanks for your support!
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November 9, 2020 at 1:37 pm #2356319
Hi @frozenanna2, thank you so much for sending me all those gifts, that was so kind! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and thank you for doing this giveaway. Hopefully I can help you in the future :) From, ilovepugs08
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November 6, 2020 at 4:43 pm #2356091
hi frozenanna2, if they are still available, i’d like the cozy bed, a directors beret, and a red warm toggle jacket. thank you so much! we’re friends already, babalichious ;)
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November 9, 2020 at 9:08 am #2356159
Hey guys! The gifts are on there way! Have a great weekend!~Frozenanna2.
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November 5, 2020 at 10:13 am #2355811
@bonesbongo Thank you for your hard work in sending players random items to empty your accounts. It must be very time consuming. Haha. Anyway, thank you for the few items you sent a couple days ago, knowing you are very busy. Take care. Unicorn :)
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November 6, 2020 at 9:10 am #2355965
@Unicornluv246 Your welcome Unicorn there are not enough minutes in a day for me to get a gift for everyone I need to send to daily from each of the 6 accounts. I try to do my best and get something out to everyone it may not happen for 2-3 days but I am trying. I’m going to try to get some out over the weekend I hope. Have a great day. ~shelkinz67
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November 5, 2020 at 9:57 am #2355791
Good Morning Bonesbongo! Just wanted to say how much I appreciate ALL the amazing items you have sent me and for all the hard work you have undertaken:) You are so kind to share your wonderful items with all of us. Opening those packages puts a huge smile on my face and it feel like Christmas:) I’m so grateful:) Your friend frankie98:) ID love9050 and rosa907
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November 6, 2020 at 9:10 am #2355967
Good Morning @frankie98 I am so glad that you are enjoying what I have been sending. I am happy to be able to pass the items on for someone else to enjoy as I have. Have a great day and an awesome weekend.
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November 5, 2020 at 9:57 am #2355781
I’ve been swamped with some family stuff going on, and am not here nearly often enough! Halloween came and went quickly. It took a while for it to register that they didn’t do the multi-day costume pieces floaties like they did last year!!!! (Tell me I didn’t miss it!?!?!) I had been hoping to finish off a few stray costumes I still needed. Ack. Hope that returns in the future!!
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November 5, 2020 at 12:18 pm #2355863
Hi rlla14 – No, there was not a costume piece floaty event this year. It was the Vampire Panther cake pops instead to make the five parts of the V P costume. We did get a few costumes during the last Spree event. What pieces are you missing? I would be happy to rummage in my costume closets for extras – JLMK – alphacat
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November 6, 2020 at 9:09 am #2355959
Thanks so much for the offer! So very kind of you. I’m still short TWO black ninja hats–that’s the main item I’ve been looking for for quite a while! Do I remember someone saying there WASN’T a wig/hat for the Vampire costume? For some reason I have that on my list, but haven’t seen any ever. Looks like the others I have at least one of. THANKS again. And good to know I didn’t just manage to miss the whole event this year! I did get the VP Pops to make the costume!
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November 6, 2020 at 4:43 pm #2356109
hi again @rlla14 I do have extra Black Ninja Mask wanted to make sure this is the item you need and I also have an extra Vampire Wig that I would send to you from shelkinz67. If you could reply before the moderates are finished for the day I will get those items to you over the weekend.
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November 11, 2020 at 9:18 am #2356717
hi, @rlla14 I just sent you the Black Ninja Mask, Black Ninja Costume and the Vampire Wig that you were missing from the Halloween Costumes. I sent the 3 pieces from my shelkinz67 account. Enjoy! The Vampire Wig was retired many years back I have never seen it offered in the Curio Shop. Let me know if you need any more costume pieces. Have a great day.
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November 6, 2020 at 9:10 am #2355963
hi @rlla14 Please let me know what costumes you are missing pieces from. I am closing some accounts and 99% of my costumes are complete on these accounts. I would be happy to send these items to you to help complete your Halloween Costume collection. We are already friends on my shelkinz67 account. Please leave a list of the items you need, I will start sending to you. Have a great day.
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November 4, 2020 at 10:32 am #2355667
Hi guys! A quick mash of a post, coz I couldn’t tend to WK since the 31st, so there’s a lot to make up for (there might be a part 2), I’d just like everyone I want to write to to be able to see it here. :) First of all: Thank You & also a big alpology to Everyone who sent me a gift on Halloween (or since) -I only saw that I got mail, but didn’t open anything, cause I could only log in for a very short time then had to log out again: So I’m sorry that I didn’t reply & send gifts back, but I couldn’t log in at all for the last 3 days -but will check and reply to everything when I log in later today! :) I don’t like to pick out specific people for the fear of leaving someone out accidentally (especially now that my head’s been all over the place) and also, I could say Thankyou to almost Every single one of you here (❤), but I feel like I have to say a special thanks to some people -but I ask Everyone that even if you don’t see your
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November 4, 2020 at 10:33 am #2355669
..But I’d like to thank MamaBear (I hope you read this) who’s sent me so many amazing things for a very long time now and always seems to ‘look after me’ and my silly, child-like ‘crazes’ whenever I discover a new theme and fall in love with it❤, to Traveller, who sends me the most amazing things from time to time which I could never hope to acquire otherwise❤, to Adatins, who sent me these little presentables (which I’m totally in love with) almost Every Single day❤, to Bonesbongo for the amazing giveaway and the gift s/he sent me (I hope you’re not still mad at me because of the misunderstanding.. :( I just didn’t see you reply to my apology and just want you to know how unspeakably grateful I am and appreciate this amazing thing that you did/do for us)❤, to Beanie, who kept things for me for weeks, and didn’t forget about me even though I’ve been having this issue with FRs..❤ TBC…
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November 4, 2020 at 2:02 pm #2355731
Hi @Elenios Thank you! I was never mad at you, sorry if did not reply. I do not always reply to all of the comments it is a hit and miss with me. I find the Forums are not very co-operative with me when I am trying to post a comment. Comments don’t always get posted, posted twice or three times. I spend a lot of time trying to write a comment and then 1/2 of it is cut off. No hard feelings have a great day my friend. ~ shelkinz67
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November 4, 2020 at 4:22 pm #2355757
Dear Bonesbongo! Thank you so much for your reply!❤❤ You have no idea what it means to me hearing you say that you’re not mad at me..❤ I’ve been feeling terrible ever since and every time I came to WK newz I had a cramp in my stomach just imagining what you must think of me.. :( I’m so glad and relieved to hear it from You that you don’t absolutely hate me.. :)❤ And no worries; I have the same issues with the forums: posts not showing, then getting posted twice etc.. Btw, I figured out the ‘mystery’ about “me being able to send you 5 requests, but then getting FRs from you as well”: all the FRs I sent were to the accounts you are about to delete, but the ones I got from you were from your active ones -I just realized that when I saw you ‘sign’ your reply as shelkinz67! :) Anyways, thank you so much for everything again and see you in WK world! :)❤
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November 5, 2020 at 2:32 pm #2355895
Aww, thank you, Elenios! I’m glad you are enjoying what I send. I’ve been playing a long time and have collected some extras that I’m happy to share. Have a wonderful day! ~TropicalGirl/MamaBearoftriplets
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November 5, 2020 at 2:33 pm #2355897
I haven’t been on the forums and forgot to check my typing. I meant to do @Elenios on the above post. I hope you see it!
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November 9, 2020 at 9:09 am #2356183
Dear MamaBear! :) I’m so glad you read my post!!:)❤ I always try to find ways to talk to you and thank you for Everything you’ve done for me, cause I feel like the letters & little thankyou gifts are still not enough to express how grateful I am to You!❤ I’m always so excited when I see that I got a gift from you but also, quite anxious too to open them, cause I know that whatever I try to find in my pokey inventory will never be enough to express my gratitude or have much value to you..:( I’ve been meaning to ask: Is there anything from the last months events that you’d be happy with?:) I’m just starting to realize that most of these items which are completely new to me are actually old, but if theres Anything you’d like, I have 2-3 spares of some items!:) Please let me know! Thanks So much for Everything again & hope to talk to you soon!:)❤
November 4, 2020 at 10:33 am #2355671
..and I could go on and on and I’m Honestly, immeasurably grateful to Everyone here, there’s just not enough space in the world to express how much and to address every single one of you separately..❤ So THANK YOU everyone!! :)❤ Other things.. My dear Szivarvany: I sent you the Zodiac outfit; I hope/guess you figured out that the fourth piece which came from another account was also me. :)❤ To Frozenanna2: if you still need the Lilypadz trophy, just drop me a line and I’ll send it to you (I did the challenge on my ex’s account too so I have a spare one -and he can’t say a word, cause I did that challenge :D) -I think we’re already friends on my account, but if not, I’ll send a request from his (it’s Fairlight)! :)❤ And to Roxy: I’ve been wanting to write to you forever, this typing thing just takes a lot out me (surprisingly, I know), and I could write you a novel, but that still wouldn’t be enough, so I’m just gonna write: I know we’re not long-time friends like you are with some other people here.. TBC..
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November 9, 2020 at 9:08 am #2356169
Yes, I received it! Thank you so much! Do you still need KinzCash coins? I think I have a couple that I can send you yet!
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November 4, 2020 at 10:33 am #2355673
..if I may: let me just say that my heart goes out to you and that I completely empathise with you and understand how you must feel (although -thank the Universe- I have both my parents with me, but we had our scares too, but Mother Nature was kind enough to nurse them back to health.❤ As for the rest you wrote about… -we’re in the exact same shoes.. ❤), so trust me, I feel your pain and wish I could do something to help.. ❤ For now all I can do is send you my love and a Huge virtual hug and remind you that there are a lot of people who care about and love you (as you could see here too :) ❤) and that happier times are ahead, no matter what we may sometimes believe.. Trust me, there’s only ‘up’ from here and I wish you the best of luck, along with a lot of strength, endurance and faith (in Life as well as Yourself) along the way! ❤ (I sent you a little something sometime last week and I -quite literally :) – put my heart in it; I hope you understood what it was about.. TBC..
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November 4, 2020 at 10:33 am #2355675
..even though I could only write to you now..:) ❤) Geez, I managed to write a novel again -I apologize for that; I’ve just been wanting to write many of these things for forever now, but could only now find the strength to do so… I thank the mods in advance for letting this stay! ❤ All in all, Thank You All for being the amazing people that you are; you probably don’t even realize, but you bring a Lot of light in these gray, foggy days of mine -and for that I’ll be forever grateful! :)❤ Have a Wonderful day (/week/Life) and see you in WKworld! :)❤ Love, Elenios ༺♥༻
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November 4, 2020 at 11:28 am #2355693
Thanks for posting my comments! Though the first part got cut off; it said: “but I ask Everyone that even if you don’t see your names here, know that I’m just as grateful to You!❤” Thanks to Everyone for Everything again! :) ❤
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