giving away FREE random stuff if you want it read and tell me

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives giving away FREE random stuff if you want it read and tell me

This topic contains 128 replies, has 77 voices, and was last updated by  Hunnypoo128 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #769890


    hey im giving away random webkinz stuff if anyone wants it tell me your webkinz user name and i will send it thanks.EVERYTHING IS FOR FREE!!!!!!

    1. #797542


      Could I have den dress or any promo? or psi? thanks so much! My username is estherfluffy.

    2. #796643


      So dont feel like you have to get me all of this! one of these is fine. the one i want the most is the amythe geode. Heres my list: Aztec Fire Pit, Newton’s Giant Craddle,Artist’s Palet, Flying Sauser, BambooChute Slide, Bed Of The Pharaoh, Gem Stone Table, Amythe Geode, Desert Window, Any Rare Plant or Item.

    3. #795922

      Hey! My username on Webkinz is angusdog1098 and if you have any of the retired Superfan theme, expensive Wshop or non-Wshop plushies, I’ll take them!

    4. #795060

      If you have the purple spiderweb witch hat, that would be awesome :D !!!

    5. #794828


      Can I have free stuff plz!!! I don’t care what you send but if you had anything that would go good in a circus room that would be awesome!!!!! thanks your friend clarissais93

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