~goldfishkoi8088's name shop! PLEASE CLICK HERE!~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~goldfishkoi8088's name shop! PLEASE CLICK HERE!~

This topic contains 84 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  4444polarbears 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #87809

    <p>Did you just get a pet, or are you getting a pet and you cant find the right name for him/her? Well you came to the right place! Just tell me: #1:your pet #2:its gender #3: personality! Thanx! Have a great day! :D ~goldfishkoi8088~

    1. #634551


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-19 at 09:04 PM

      Hi again friend! I sent u a FR 2day, KK? I don’t know If I put the comma in the right place but who cares LOL! I capitalized If. I think I did because I needed to capitalize I after I wrote If. Ha ha I capitalized it again because thats how I wrote it the first time just to show u I guess. LOL! I think tomorrow I will be getting a bubblegum cheeky cat. It’s a female. I would like some gummy candy names. Or like chewy bubblegum. LOL!


      Can I give Sag I suggestion? I have a bubblegum cheeky cat and it took me forever to find a name, but I did. If You don’t want me to Its OK.

    2. #634524

      Hello! Its another day of business! :D
      And most likely another page! :D

    3. #634456

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-19 at 09:04 PM

      Hi again friend! I sent u a FR 2day, KK? I don’t know If I put the comma in the right place but who cares LOL! I capitalized If. I think I did because I needed to capitalize I after I wrote If. Ha ha I capitalized it again because thats how I wrote it the first time just to show u I guess. LOL! I think tomorrow I will be getting a bubblegum cheeky cat. It’s a female. I would like some gummy candy names. Or like chewy bubblegum. LOL!

      Okay, lets see what I can do!
      Bubble gum cheeky cat:
      Bubbles (I love that name!)
      Gumshine (Where did that come from??? LOL)
      Tridenta (BAD)
      Hubba (Hubba Bubba)
      And I think thats it. Sorry, this one was SUPER hard!
      I see you have been collecting cheeky pets! Awesome!
      I have you as a friend now! :D
      And I just got finished adopting Castaway the Tropical Island Puppy! :D
      Okay! Tell your new cheeky cat I said hello! :D
      Have a superb day!

    4. #634369

      Hi again friend! I sent u a FR 2day, KK? I don’t know If I put the comma in the right place but who cares LOL! I capitalized If. I think I did because I needed to capitalize I after I wrote If. Ha ha I capitalized it again because thats how I wrote it the first time just to show u I guess. LOL! I think tomorrow I will be getting a bubblegum cheeky cat. It’s a female. I would like some gummy candy names. Or like chewy bubblegum. LOL!

    5. #633990

      goldfishkoi8088 wrote on 2012-07-19 at 11:18 AM

      another day of business! :D

      Hey, do you want to trade today?

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