~goldfishkoi8088's name shop! PLEASE CLICK HERE!~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~goldfishkoi8088's name shop! PLEASE CLICK HERE!~

This topic contains 84 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  4444polarbears 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #87809

    <p>Did you just get a pet, or are you getting a pet and you cant find the right name for him/her? Well you came to the right place! Just tell me: #1:your pet #2:its gender #3: personality! Thanx! Have a great day! :D ~goldfishkoi8088~

    1. #637595

      Anybody need names??? Havent gotten business in 4 days now. :(

    2. #637025

      I havent gotten business in 3 days. :( I really need business.

    3. #636654

      Does anyone need names???????? PLMK

    4. #636019

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-07-22 at 05:36 PM

      goldfishkoi8088 wrote on 2012-07-22 at 05:03 PM
      4pb: Hi! I couldve sworn I posted this last night but nothing is posting, like EVER lately! Argh!!!! Okay so here are your names, for the THIRD time!!!
      Stormy Dragon:
      Boy:Elija, Eli
      Girl: Electra, Ellie, Katrina
      Boy OR girl: StormWing, Thunderwing, StormClaw, ThunderClaw, Hurricane
      Lilac Guinea Pig:
      Girl: Lavender, LadyLavender, Jasmine, LadyLilac, Wildflower.
      Okay! Hope this posts!!!!

      thanks, but i am afraid i may not be getting those pets anymore… i was thinking the guinea pig had purple and white, not purple white, AND pink, i dont typicallly like pink and purple together. i also saw that in other (not professional) pictures of the dragon, it looks darker and duller, but if u happen to have the dragon, maybe u could tell me what it really looks like? p.s. those were awesome names though.

      Thanx! (crossing fingers this posts)
      I know what you mean about the guinea pig! I dont inparticularly like pink pets. Well, you know why.
      But, I do own a stormy dragon! He is like a sort of dull (not EXTREMELY dull) purpley blue but a sort of sparkly rainbow underside makes up for it! Then he has the scales (but they arent really scales) and crown that go from head to tail colored in a BRIGHT purple! Hope this helps!
      Thanx for the compliments!
      ~goldfishkoi8088~ PS: Wanna be friends on Webkinz? My user is the same as on here!

    5. #635774

      goldfishkoi8088 wrote on 2012-07-22 at 05:03 PM

      4pb: Hi! I couldve sworn I posted this last night but nothing is posting, like EVER lately! Argh!!!! Okay so here are your names, for the THIRD time!!!
      Stormy Dragon:
      Boy:Elija, Eli
      Girl: Electra, Ellie, Katrina
      Boy OR girl: StormWing, Thunderwing, StormClaw, ThunderClaw, Hurricane
      Lilac Guinea Pig:
      Girl: Lavender, LadyLavender, Jasmine, LadyLilac, Wildflower.
      Okay! Hope this posts!!!!

      thanks, but i am afraid i may not be getting those pets anymore… i was thinking the guinea pig had purple and white, not purple white, AND pink, i dont typicallly like pink and purple together. i also saw that in other (not professional) pictures of the dragon, it looks darker and duller, but if u happen to have the dragon, maybe u could tell me what it really looks like? p.s. those were awesome names though.


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