Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives HALLOWEEN AND CHRISTMAS ITEMS!!!!!

This topic contains 236 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  mortonhippo 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #648251

    hey what would u like for them

    1. #648348


      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-12 at 09:12 AM

      laughable921 wrote on 2012-08-12 at 08:20 AM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-11 at 11:00 PM
      Hi Guys! I have almost all Halloween an Christmas Items so please feel free to offer. Bailey101010

      Hi!! Do you have the Cheery Christmas Fireplace, the Santakinz table, and four santa kinz chairs??

      Hi laugh! My sister has the fireplace so I can try to work something out for u two! She likes the peace van, unicorn peace hammock, rockerz cat psi, and neo gothic, plmk, ~mortonhippo~

      I have the Neo Gothic Bed Does she need it

    2. #648347


      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-08-12 at 09:12 AM

      laughable921 wrote on 2012-08-12 at 08:20 AM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-11 at 11:00 PM
      Hi Guys! I have almost all Halloween an Christmas Items so please feel free to offer. Bailey101010

      Hi!! Do you have the Cheery Christmas Fireplace, the Santakinz table, and four santa kinz chairs??

      Hi laugh! My sister has the fireplace so I can try to work something out for u two! She likes the peace van, unicorn peace hammock, rockerz cat psi, and neo gothic, plmk, ~mortonhippo~

      I have the Neo Gothic Bed Does she need it

    3. #648345


      bailey…..just wondering if you hve these 2 items the garoyle lamp and the jack o lantern hat……if you do ikow we can work out something cause i have some estore points……

      also if you don’t have an item someone is loking for i hpe you’ll let me offer on it i hae alot of items in both catgories..

    4. #648342


      Hl Guys! I have a bee costume, a witch costume, a witch costum eStore and Mrs santakinz costum.
      I want Hamster tiara, Dance party shoes, merry melodies hat, Rockerz cat costum, elegant ball gown, white summer dress, enchanted tiara and rose party dress. Who want, tell me. THX mimi01

    5. #648318


      laughable921 wrote on 2012-08-12 at 08:20 AM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-11 at 11:00 PM
      Hi Guys! I have almost all Halloween an Christmas Items so please feel free to offer. Bailey101010

      Hi!! Do you have the Cheery Christmas Fireplace, the Santakinz table, and four santa kinz chairs??

      Hi laugh! My sister has the fireplace so I can try to work something out for u two! She likes the peace van, unicorn peace hammock, rockerz cat psi, and neo gothic, plmk, ~mortonhippo~

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