Happy Trading 2!!! by~snowy527

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Happy Trading 2!!! by~snowy527

This topic contains 35 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  snowy527 12 years ago.

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  • #710425


    Hey!!! I’m back! And with a whole bunch more priceless and more!!! I have full hula, pink bunny, licorice (maybe, possibly, very rare that I would trade it) and the amethyst, garnet, and zircon gemsters (not for trade). I am looking for the emerald gemster, priceless, signature PSI, and new new PSI! It’s so good to see you guys!

    1. #713126


      Hey guys! Here is a quick want list from me! Royal crystal statue, Silver Christmas tree, Fancy tuxedo jacket, fashion magazines, Toy purse, Pop star dress, and clown car. Thanks for looking! ~KC

    2. #713113

      Snowy, I might be interested in Hula, but am also curious to see what PSI you might have? Any Estore or Sig? LMK, thanks!

      • #713197


        I have one signature…the royal pup portrait, and if you are interested in hula, would that be enough for the gemster? I have estore PSI, but it’s all over my house. Can you make a list so I know what I am looking for?

        • #713300

          I’m not sure how the values would even out if we did just Hula…will think on that one. The only specific Estore I’m looking for currently is the Taste Tester Fountain (Licorice Fish, Candykinz), two Pearl Placemats (Pearl Pup, Birthstone), and the Aquamarine Dresser and Floor Lamp Set (Aquamarine Pup). Otherwise, I wouldn’t be opposed to a list. LMK, thanks :)

    3. #713084


      Hey…I have pink bunny ears for it, full hula, slips, parts of the rock outfit, deluxe clothes, x-mas tree hat, pumpkin costume, mummy mask, Poncho’s sombrero, and hippo hat. LMK what you like! Thx-snowy527.

    4. #712649


      Alice-is there any PSI you would like for it? Maybe priceless? Puppy-which ones?

      • #712676

        Sure, feel free to list some things you could trade for it if you’d like. Thanks! LMK. :)

    5. #711888

      SNOWY- Er, I do….

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