Happy Trading 2!!! by~snowy527

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Happy Trading 2!!! by~snowy527

This topic contains 35 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  snowy527 12 years ago.

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  • #710425


    Hey!!! I’m back! And with a whole bunch more priceless and more!!! I have full hula, pink bunny, licorice (maybe, possibly, very rare that I would trade it) and the amethyst, garnet, and zircon gemsters (not for trade). I am looking for the emerald gemster, priceless, signature PSI, and new new PSI! It’s so good to see you guys!

    1. #714051

      Snowy, I don’t think I would do just Hula, so sorry! I think I’d prefer to save the Gemster for some of the items I’m trying to find. But thank you so much for the offers and have a great day! Hope you find one soon!

    2. #714034


      Alice, I could do just hula, and I don’t have those PSI, sorry. Ferret, can you list some regular PSI? Thanks-snowy527.

    3. #713580


      Hi, TF. listing some of my items that I had for trade for the Spot of Tea Slide. I may have Endangered Elephant PSI, if I don’t trade it today. PLMK.

    4. #713418

      Hi TF! I don’t know if u still have ur spot of the tea slide or dog falls, but if u do I am VERY interested in them, and willing to give good things for them. PLMK!

    5. #713311


      SNOWY – I don’t usually do those for regular Psi, Sorry! Anything else?

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