Happy Trading 2!!! by~snowy527

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Happy Trading 2!!! by~snowy527

This topic contains 35 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  snowy527 12 years ago.

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  • #710425


    Hey!!! I’m back! And with a whole bunch more priceless and more!!! I have full hula, pink bunny, licorice (maybe, possibly, very rare that I would trade it) and the amethyst, garnet, and zircon gemsters (not for trade). I am looking for the emerald gemster, priceless, signature PSI, and new new PSI! It’s so good to see you guys!

    1. #719667


      Hey guys! Anyone have priceless?

    2. #715308


      Hey….deluxe I don’t have any of those but I do have pink ears. Dogfish, my blue zircon gemster isn’t for trade, sorry.

    3. #715059


      I currently have some shuts. Would anybody want to trade for them, or have they gone “out of style”? Please help!

    4. #714122

      Hi Snowy, Do you have Plumpy, Charm, Swirl or White Ears for trade? I offer Emo for 2 of those, if you do. I love trading for priceless, and recently, thanks to some awesome gifts from some awesome friends (hint, hint dogfish, I’m talking ’bout you and poke XD). I have a nice little collection, but am always looking to enlarge it, lol. Just LMK! DQ00

      • #714686


        Hi DQ not sure I’d trade emo for two priceless, unless you have a few pairs. I would be willing to trade some priceless for topaz,peridot or blue zircon gemsters. LMK if you have those, I seem to have given all my extras away. LOL Funny how that happens. I just like to have extra extra everything, can’t help it, LOL If you collect gemsters, I understand. TTYL DF

    5. #714099


      So not full hula for the gemster? OK, thanks for the luck! I will keep an eye out for what you need.! KIT-snowy527.

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